Edited because I forgot one of my most-played characters.
Years roleplaying: 6
Least favourite character?: Setsuna Myrrim, my Tevrani (made-up race) Jedi geneticist who could come up with anything, no matter how unrealistic. I was SUCH a munchkin when I started RP...
Favourite characters?: Raven de Gault/Galanodel (they're the same person), Celebfinnel, Mara Marzullo
Male or female characters?: Both, but I play females a lot more often than males. I've only played two boys in my entire 6 years of RP.
Oldest character?: Setsuna Myrrim.
Newest character?: Arishada
Most popular character?: I honestly have no flipping clue. It's either Mara, Raven or Celebfinnel.
Character (type) you've never played?: Better question is which ones I *have* played. I've played mages, thieves, fighters, mobster-type Darksider, and Jedi.
~~~~~ Which character of yours would be most likely to... ~~~~~
Jump off a bridge?: Raven. To save someone, of course, forgetting she can fly.
Get drunk and pass out?: Kanivara
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way?: Mara
Get married?: Kanivara
Be far too hyper for their own good?: I don't have a hyper character anymore, but I used to play a kender. She got murdered
Be raped?: Raven. Been there, done that.
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions?: Celebfinnel.
Get lung cancer?: Raven.
Star in a horror movie?: Raven
Star in a whore movie?: Kanivara
Star in a video game?: Raven. Her Big Fuckin' Finishing Attack would be some sort of psychic cyclone that utterly decimates her opponent. She'd only be able to use it at 1% health, though.
Make the world a better place?: Alhinthalasa.
Have a torrid gay love affair?: Ahh... Raven... if she could actually get close to someone.
~~~~~ Relate each word to a character of yours: ~~~~~
Love: Celebfinnel
Hate: Mara
Money: Kanivara
Seduction: Kanivara
Lies: Setsuna
Tragedy: Raven
Manipulation: Arishada
Violence: Mara
Politics: Alhinthalasa
Fire: Kanivara
Ice: Celebfinnel
~~~~~ Would you ever... ~~~~~
Play a prostitute?: Kani pretty much *is* a prostitute... she'll boink anything with a cock.
Play a musician?: Raven plays the flute.
Play a pilot?: Probably not.
Play a homosexual?: Raven's close....
Play a pedophile?: Closest I'll get is one in my character's past.
Play a politician?: No.
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut?: No. If smut happens to a character that's NOT specifically created for it, it happens.
Play a character who commits incest?: Eww! No!