All right, let's see what's going on in Kari-land.
So I spent a good part of the weekend hanging with J, studying, watching Gilmore Girls, playing Sims, just... erg... chilling... ;)
Can I repeat again that he's a really good kisser? You get the drift. Anyways, thanks to my new indebtedness to Colleen, I'm really just taking it easy with him.
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Comments 21
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, you really DO write L&L well at 14 and 18. It's almost exactly like most people would picture them, seriously.
And, of course, I agree with what you said about reviews. I loooove getting reviews for my fics. They totally make the difference to a writer.
*tear* I need to see snow one of these days...
I really appreciate your comments about my L/L at 14 and 18, especially since it's been so long since I was either age and you're right there. But then neither Lorelai or Luke is just any teen, ya know, so it's nice that they also seem to be the teens that they would have been.
Reviews are the key to any writer's soul. I swear. Course I'm one to talk, I've not a huge reviewer, mostly a reviewer. I still reviewing fics that were written over a year ago. *blushes* I tend to write more than read anyways.
Where do you live that you've got no snow?
Sad, I know.
That reminds me, that I have like 3 fics that I need to read and review...I'm such a bad CIP...
Woo S60 and GG are back! I'm excited.
Yeah, you better get on that reviewing Missy! I expect better from you! ;) I'm teasing, I figured you were busy and you'd get around to it. You're, what, #3 on the reviewing list?
I'm sooo excited for S60 and GG! I thought I wouldn't be interested in S60 anymore but I managed to catch the last episode before hiatus and it was sooooo good! So I'm totally back into it. Did you catch B&S last night?
I caught a bit if a S60 marathon on Bravo last yesterday, and omg, I forgot how much I love that show! Hehe...Yup, I kinda watched B&S last night...blame it on B...but what I caught was great. Man do I love Justin! *giggles*
I only caught one scene of the S60 marathon yesterday (blame J for that). But it was the only scene I realy wanted to see. I love Lauren and Matty.
I missed parts of B&S last night too. I had to keep asking Shan what I missed.
I love Justin. He's tasty :D I was worried he wasn't going to be in the episode like last week which would make me sad.
I'm glad William is cute :D
Wee! S60!
Isn't it hard to throw a snowball when you have no snow?
I'm glad William is cute too, not quite the trouble maker that his sister is!
Yay for S60! I'm so excited!
Rory and Dean have officially declared their love for each other and they're cute, too bad she's going to become an adult soon and meet Marty. Hee! I'm evil.
I love it! :D
You never fail to crack me up with your LL sim stories, lol.
I was wondering if you started your own neighborhood, or did you create your LL sims in an already made up neighborhood?
Can't wait to read the third chapter of TDB! I would have read it already, but I try not to read fics over the weekend. But I was tempted to read it when I saw it was updated, lol.
Snow sounds nice. :D
Actually I used one of their premade neighborhoods, L/L live in Pleasantville actually, although I moved most of their created people out. The only non GG people living there are these two asian chicks, this one single guy who seems to be the town pedophile and this family that I've never seen outside of their house. Emily and Richard have been moved in down the street but I haven't had them meet Lorelai or Rory yet.
Haha, I win! I at least have the power of temptation :D
Snow is purty. Driving in snow, not so much.
I find it hilarious you kicked all the premade people out of the neighborhood. That is just funny. And you one of the ones you didn't throw out ends up being the town pedophile there. Nice, lol.
I have a Richard and Emily and Lorelai isn't related to them. She is friends with them though and when she sees Richard some times, she gets that thought bubble with the hearts floating around it and that music plays, lol.
Haha, I win! I at least have the power of temptation :D
:D Yeah, well after reading the last chapter, I will probably be breaking that rule of no reading fics over the weekend, lol.
Oh and I second what Leila said about your writing of 14 and 18 year old Lorelai and Luke. It's just really great. I could really see them that way at that time. :)
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