1. Did you have a new year's resolution this year? If I did, I most certainly do not remember it
2. Who kissed you at midnight? No one, actually
3. Have you ever been to times square to watch the ball drop? Nope
4. The first line of your first entry of the month: "This is so annoying, up till four in the fucking morning and now I can't send the damned applications because we're not sure if we can fax it or not and if we send it, it'll be too late, so they probably won't accept it." Oy...::laughs:: Err...that was to Sarah Lawrence, actually
1. Who was your valentine in 2005? Tom
2. What did your valentine get you? Nothing...he wasn't even around that day and I'd collaged him this little card with rose petals
3. When you were little, did you buy valentines for your whole class? Of course!
4. The first line of your first entry of the month: "If you read this, even if I don't speak to you often, you must post a memory of me." Another one of those survey things...
1. Are you Irish? No, but my name and Clark are
2. Do you wear green on St. Patty's Day? DUH! What kind of an idiot doesn't?
3. What did you do for St. Patty's Day in 2005? Wear green...threaten to pinch people who don't...the likes
4. The first line of your first entry of the month: "Mom wants to come to counseling with me today."
1. Do you like the rain? I love the rain
2. Did you play an April fool's joke on anyone this year? No, I don't think I did
3. Do you get tons of candy on easter? I get a bit
4. The first line of your first entry of the month: "So my parents are more ready to get rid of me than I thought...Mom came home today with a number of cardboard boxes and basically said, "Start packing.""
1. What's your favorite kind of flower? Orchids, hands down
2. Do you like the spring? I love the spring...it's a tie between spring and autumn for my favourite season
3. What would you think of as a spring color? Yellow
4. The first line of your first entry of the month: "It's May and I was too lame to find any poems for people...and people were too lame to find any poems for me."
1. What year did you graduate from school? This year...from High school, that is
2. Did you go on any vacations in June? Yes, I went to Italy at the end of the month
3. What was your summer job? Imaginary
4. The first line of your first entry of the month: "I'm still kind of all "eeehhh?" from yesterday...I woke up feeling very awake and actually stayed pretty awake (shocker)) for most of the day...but as night neared I just became more and more of a zombie and soon lost complete control of my mind and its wanderings."
1. What did you do on the 4th of July? Nada...I was still on the Italy trip with the AP Latin and AP Art History classes
2. Do you go on any vacations in July? No, I don't think so...unless you count the continuation of the Italy one
3. Did you have a summer romance? I liked someone over the summer, yes, but it didn't go beyond my liking them
4. The first line of your first entry of the month: "Home...
Will post stuff laters...z_z"
1. Did you do anything special to end off your summer? Went to Orientation week at college? That was the end of August...but otherwise, not really
2. What was your favorite summer memory of '05? Making friends with the cookie guy XD
3. Do you go swimming a lot in the summer? Not at all
4. The first line of your first entry of the month: "Another year added...with all these additional priveledges...and all this not feeling any different." It was my birthday^_^
1. Did you attend school/college in '05? Ended High school and began college
2. Who is/was your favorite teacher? In high school I had a few...I adored Mrs. B, Joanne, Corrine, and Dr. Baird...but this year, I guess Ed Baker and Millie Harper
3. Do you like fall better than summer? Yes, definitely
4. The first line of your first entry of the month: "Mister with his Kermit 'thee' frog patched bag and modest mouse, button up collared shirts, and messy brown hair...from loner to popular in about five seconds flat."
1. What was your favorite halloween costume ever? Edward Scissorhands?
2. What's your favorite candy? Reese's peanut butter cups
3. What did you dress up like this year? Marla Singer...it was lame...better costume next year^_^
4. The first line of your first entry of the month: "The sudden inspiration to write…I…am frozen."
1. Whose house do you usually go to for thanksgiving? Stay at home with mi familia...generally my grandparents come over, but not htis year
2. Do you like stuffing? Never have
3. What are you thankful for? People's patience
4. The first line of your first entry of the month: "There is the passing a favourite month...I still want the autumn golds to show themselves."
1. Do you celebrate Christmas? In the sense of giving
2. Have you ever been kissed under mistletoe? No, but mistletoe is way more interesting than just for kissing...it's essential in the Aeneid and apparently according to the ancient Romans it was considered magical because I guess it had a golden bough and was the only plant that they knew of that flowered in the winter, when everything else died
3. What's the best present you ever got? I didn't really get a best present
4. The first line of your first entry of the month: "Shannon's Reason for Travelling Back in Time: To go to Woodstock"
1. How would you rate your 05? A lot of those first lines make it sound depressing, but I suppose it was alright...filled with a lot of change and discomfort, but I suppose I don't seriously regret anything.
2. Did you keep any of your resolutions? Probably not if I don't remember if I even had any
3. What were you most proud of in 05? most disappointed in? I suppose I was proud of the fact that I was able to adapt to Sarah Lawrence and being away from home better than I had anticipated...and disappointed that...I let people who aren't worth it affect me the way they do...GO MAKE A HERD, FUCKERS.
No, really. Do.
4. What are your resolutions for 2006? I can't say I really have one...Mums asked me what it was and when I told her I didn't really have one yet, she said "good for you!" which makes me realize that bah on tradition, I don't need something I know I won't keep or accomplish