(no subject)

Sep 25, 2005 09:33

yeah... im bored... so hers a thingy which i did! WOOOO!!!


What is your first name?: Lily
What is your middle initial: R
What is your zodiac sign?: Cancer


Whats your natural hair color?: light brown
What is your current hair color?: redish brown
What color are your eyes?: blueish
Piercings?: ears.. but i want myeyeborw pierced!!
Tattoos?: nnone, dont awt one either really...
Long or Short Hair? short.. blah
Straight or Curly?: straightish.. with cow licks.. eww cow licks...
How tall are you?: 5'8
Whats your shoe size?: 9-11


What shirt are you wearing?: white wife beater with a celtic knot
What kind of shorts/pants/ are you wearing?: my black semi cargo pants which are super comfayyy
Socks?: white ankle socks
Underwear?: pink with flowers... hahahaha
Necklaces?: this little gold one whch my grama just gave me
Braclets?: nopes
Mascara?: psssh
Eyeliner?: way to lazy
Any other make up?: nope im make up freeeeee
Is your hair up or down?: its the way it always is


Rock or Rap: rock
Coffee or Hot Cocoa: hot cocoa
Baseball or Softball: ummm niether...?
Wild Night out or Romantic Night in: umm.. probably wild night,... but imnot suuure
Front or Back: of what?
Up or Down: up
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Hummer or Sports Car: sports car
Guy or Girl: guy
Bracelet or Necklace: necklace
Pink or Purple: purple
History or Science: science
Sleep in or Early to rise: early to rise
Beach or Boardwalk: boardwalk
Hoodie or Tee Shirt: hoodie
Night Or Day: Night
Boxers or Briefs: Boxers
High School or College: im in high school right now... but i will be going to college?
White or Black: black
Jeans or Capris: Jeans
Love or Fun: fun
Californian or florida? CA... duh!
Simple Plan or Good Charlotte: ...
Love at first sight or Learn to Love: Learn to love
Babe or Baby: babe
This Or That: This


Kissed the opposite sex?: yup
kissed the same Sex?: yeps
Hugged someone?: yeah...
Been on the phone until the sun came up?: No i usually fall asleep because i am lame liek that
Put a song on repeat for more than 2 hours? i've done it for like 3 days.. hahah that so piosses my mom off...
Gone Skinny dipping?: Naaa
Flashed anyone?: Nopes
Mooned anyone?: naa
Laughed so hard you peed in your pants?: hahaha no...
Got chased by the police?: nope
Got in trouble with the police?: my firnds have when i was there...
Got detention?: yeah, for drinking gin... hahahahah
Went to Juvy?: nopes
Went streaking?: naaaaa
Crashed a party?: hahah nope
Had Sex? nope
Slept past 4 in the afternooon?: never
Dumped someone?: yeah
Got Dumped?: yeah...
Rejected someone?: yeah... =(
Got rejected?: yeah but whatevooore
Skipped School?: Not really


person you talked to in person?: my sister
person you talked to online?: allie!!!!!
person you talked to on the phone?: my mom
movie you saw in the theaters?: Red eye
thing you ate?: bagle and turkey sandwich
drank?: cranberry juice
laugh?: umm... when i was talking to allie?
person you kissed?: cheston
person kissed you?: thea
person you told you loved them? caitlin


Do you like surveys?: whenim bored
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Pantene
You ever wonder what your life will be like 10 years down the road?: yeps
Do you get along with your parents?: yeah
Are you old enough to vote?: nope but the coming election i will be so kindaof?
Are you happy?: yeah
Are you sad?: not right now
Do you have mental breakdowns?: not raelly
Did you ever tell your parents you didn't feel good so you didnt have to go to school?: yeah but my knew i was lyin... but i got to stay home anyways!!! WOO!!
Do you have a cell phone: mhmm
best memory: Pe, study hall, Art, behind the art room, and franks
worst memory: umm...

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