one two three one two three keep it up one two three

May 11, 2004 15:53

So things have been...strange. My feelings have been up and down so much within the past week and a half, it's making my tummy hurt. I have shed tears almost every day. This isn't how this week was supposed to start off anyhow. I mean shit, it's my birthday tomorrow, and I'm not even excited anymore! Just another day ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

oh big T everydayhope May 11 2004, 14:56:35 UTC
so theresa, its been so long. It makes me sad to hear you so glum, but i'm glad you have high hopes. What birthday was it that you and kelly got in a cake fight? that was one of the funniest things ive ever seen, unfortunate though, that it was at your expense. then you, lauren (i think is her name) and i went upstairs to wash your hair, and you and i had the same toothbrush, good times. it made me really sad that when we broke up, you never talked to me until like a month ago, you are so cool, i wish we would've remained friends for that time, but at least we are now. geez, we need to hang out, reminisce even more, it'd be sweet. well, just rehashing old times, stay positive, and happy birthday theresa ann.


steveo420 May 11 2004, 15:07:00 UTC
I just thought Ide tell you that I love you.


fennec345 May 11 2004, 18:52:46 UTC
dont sweat it dude.
i wouldnt get your hopes up though about the turning 18 deal...
i mean, i thought when i turned 16 there would be this revolutionary change within me and i would just simply be...diffrent.
but who knows, you can really never underestimate the human resolve.

i would simply try not to worry,
your a fucking awesome person, and no one can tell you otherwise,
and for what it is worth i think you are completly fine the way you are.

dont worry, things will be great.
and i will see you saterday.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY! pinkcherries May 12 2004, 09:40:23 UTC
Hey darling,
I hope you had fun last night. I did. We need to hang out more often. I love you and I hope today is fun for you.
Skipping school is always fun. Did anyone come down looking for us?


ohdarlingjane May 12 2004, 10:30:13 UTC
happy birthday! you looked so cute today...(i mean when I saw up your skirt) haha. xoxoxo


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