Title: Her Sister's Keeper
Prompt Number/Prompt: 013. Child/Children
Character/Fandom: Hana Gitelman/Heroes
Word Count: 345
Rating: R to be safe.
Warning(s): Potentially triggering themes. Spoilers for NBC graphic novel The Path of the Righteous.
Summary: One in five children is sexually solicited online. Still want my ability?
The problem with being able to see anything on the Internet is that I do see it. It's used for actual useful information, but also for art, and for socializing, and for indulging in some people's sick fantasies. Not a good signal-to-noise ratio. I've gotten better at filtering, but you just can't tune everything out, and there's only so much one person with problems of her own can do.
Anyone can hear the statistics. I can see it happen. I'm sure if I put my mind to it I could settle the question of exactly how much money the child porn industry makes each year down to a fraction of a cent. If I put my mind to it. If I was willing to put myself through that.
What does it take to get me to do something about it? Biking down a Las Vegas street, suddenly spotting the beginnings of a live feed from that building right there. I was on the trail of something important, but I thought too much, and I realized that someone who'd walk right by something like that wasn't someone I could face. Not a whole lot in my life has felt as good as kicking the crap out of that pervert, and setting the cops on the other three hundred and fifty-two.
Kristy doesn't go online much anymore, but I'm there when she does. I know she likes Bratz dolls and cats. I know she still wants to be an actress when she grows up. I know she hasn't told her parents what happened that day, and especially not what almost happened. I know she exchanges emails, sometimes, with someone she knows only as Wireless; and that she doesn't fully trust me yet; and that I would be disappointed if she did. But she does listen to my advice whenever I have any to give.
There's always time in the day to use, even if it's only during meals and in transit. KutieKristie@hotmail.com won't be troubled again in the foreseeable future. I know I can do that.