Title: Jack's Favorite Picture
Author: Sarah
Rating: G
Words: 346
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Summary: Jack describes his favorite picture.
Notes: Written for Challenge #5 at
Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood.
Jack sat wrapped in a bed sheet at the window seat in Ianto’s apartment, staring at his favorite picture. It wasn’t the star sprinkled sky and full moon or the Monet replica hanging on the opposite wall.
Jack’s favorite picture was the scene painted in the room. The hideous bright pink tie that Ianto had worn to work that day was now haphazardly draped across a chair, having been ripped off in flurry of impatient fingers after dinner. His white dress shirt was on the floor next to the chair, barely visible as it was covered by the rest of his clothes. Jack’s clothes weren’t too far away; his pants lay a few feet away and his blue dress shirt hanging off Ianto’s side of the bed.
But the mess of clothes decorating Ianto’s otherwise immaculately neat bedroom weren’t Jack’s favorite part of his favorite picture.
Ianto lied in his bed, sound asleep. He was on his side, covered only waist down by the green bed sheets. His right arm was wrapped around himself while his left hand held loosely to the sleeve of Jack’s shirt. Ianto always liked having something to hold onto while he slept, even while Jack was holding him.
Jack smiled to himself as he watched the peace and serenity of his favorite picture. The beauty of the scene wasn’t the only thing Jack loved about it. He loved it because it was his. Every adjective in the dictionary or a camera couldn’t possibly capture this scene. No one would ever truly know the beauty Jack saw that night and so many others.
Jack liked knowing that no one else would ever see his favorite picture; it made the image that much more special. The scene, the beauty, the moment. It was his and only his. And if no one could see it but him, no one could take it away. But most of all, the sleeping, oblivious tea boy - the most beautiful part of Jack’s favorite picture - was his and that was something no one could ever take away from him.