May 10, 2011 03:15
- 01:27:39: Today's showy Leo Moon connects with your own expressive natur... More for Sagittarius
- 12:03:20: @ havenward Sad panda indeed. ;)
- 12:05:21: @ havenward Unfortunately, he's a bit ludditey, so we're unlikely to see him on Twitter. (Though maybe Tricia & James can convince him? :)?)
- 13:48:14: @ ladyofbrileith *big hugs*
- 13:59:37: @ havenward RT @defamer: 4chan Takes Down Tumblr, Again :(
- 13:59:59: I was going to catch up on Borgias, but now I'm annoyed, so Chuck instead.
- 14:01:05: @ havenward Because... 4chan? I don't know. It's one of those days.
- 15:19:20: RT @camposova: Seriously? Another Tumblr/4chan war crashing servers? Can't we bury the hatchet? Ask the Givens & Bennett clans, this shi ...
- 16:32:26: I have hit the easily amused portion of the evening. Look out world.
- 16:36:15: And now the cable box has stopped responding the remote. That mood passed quickly. >.<
- 16:50:42: Peppermint chocolate tea or caramel apple tea? #decisionsthattrymenssouls
- 16:58:49: @ havenward Decided on caramel apple, I think it'll ice better. But the peppermint choc is AMAZING tea. So. So. Good.
- 17:28:24: Mmm. Caramel apple iced tea, cheesy pita, and hockey. Working on the relaxation again.
- 19:35:11: Dear legs, I'm sorry I shaved. Please stop itching. Love, Me
- 20:48:35: @ bergopolis When does Berg-con go public?
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