DUET 3 (ART): lemonade8 and knowmefirst

Aug 26, 2016 09:43

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling and Warner Bros. All artwork posted at this community has been created entirely for fun, not for profit, and no copyright infringement is intended.

Title: Sound at the Door!
Artist: lemonade8
Rating: G
Description/summary: Prompt 1. Hermione is a librarian and every day is the same for her until one Monday morning when she opens her front door and finds an unconscious, bleeding man lying on the floor.
Warnings: none
Artist's Note: This picture takes place after she finds him outside of the library and cleans him up (you can see the purple healing potion bottle and the cup). He is Obliviated, and all he knows is that he has a magical tarot deck and a letter warning him NOT to let it get into the wrong hands. They are in the back, hidden from other eyes in the restricted section trying to figure out what is so special about that tarot deck when Hermione hears a scuffle at the locked front door!!! Tools: rendered in Poser 10, and GIMP was used to give him a black eye and bruises on his chest.

!round 8 2016!, art, rating: g

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