May 12, 2011 08:07

It’s time for week three's Words of Love!

Welcome all to the celebration of Dramione's Tenth Anniversary.

A couple of things to remember when deciding which drabbles to vote for (most and least favorite):

  1. Which drabble best incorporates the prompt?
  2. Is the drabble clever, different, fresh? Does it evoke an emotional response (good or bad)?
  3. Does the drabble contain grammar, canon or spelling errors?

As a voter, you have the option of leaving a brief statement about why you voted the way you did, for both most and least favorite. Your feedback will then be given to the drabble writer (if they want the feedback) ANONYMOUSLY.

Example: Most - #40: the ending was brilliant - OR - Least - #57: the ending fell flat

Please remember writers, that you may not vote for yourselves.

Here we go for week three!

Choose your favorite and least favorite drabbles. Favorites will receive +1 point per vote, and least favorites -1 point per vote.

Voting ends at 11:59pm, Friday, May 13th.

Words: Vulnerable and Enchant
Definitions: Drabble must be a letter (from -any- one character to another about
D&H OR from D/Hr to Hr/D)
Related Forms: 100-499 words


Title: Diplomatic Relations
Author: eevilalice
Rating: T
Warning(s): None really.
Word Count: 359

Dear Granger,

On behalf of Slytherin, please, for the love of Merlin, put us out of our collective misery and ask Draco on a date. He is driving us all mad “complaining” about you constantly, as if it’s not evident he’s completely infatuated with you but, like a true Slytherin, too proud to make himself vulnerable and admit it. Well, I am also a true Slytherin and perfectly willing to go behind his back and do it for him, furthering my own interests, those interests being peace of mind and a quiet common room.

Don’t try pretending you have no interest. I’ve noticed you staring at his arse in Potions and peeking at his spot at our table in the Great Hall. In fact, at first we thought you’d enchanted him with a spell or a love potion from Weasley’s brothers’ shop, but it’s been almost a month now we’ve had to put up with his incessant, gratuitous harangues (not to mention the tell-tale moaning of your name that night he forgot to use a Silencing charm while wanking), and potions and spells rarely last that long, even for someone with the Head Girl’s skills.

Plus, Pansy realized his “feelings” could be traced back to that incident in Potions when Finnegan spilled firewort solution on your blouse and not only rendered it see-through (nice lacy bra there, Granger), but itchy-hot, causing you to bolt to the loo, crashing into and landing on top of an unsuspecting Draco. That rack of yours must feel as good as it looks.

I suppose I may as well share that we discovered Draco arranged that whole thing (with Finnegan playing his part-he and Pansy are secretly dating, and Draco found out), ostensibly as a prank, but once he saw how much attention you’re now getting from the opposite (and some quarters of the same) sex, he seems not at all amused by its outcome.

Look, you’re always going on (and on) about the importance of interhouse relations post-war. I think we both know the kind of “relations” Gryffindor and Slytherin would benefit from in this case.

Yours in interhouse unity,
Blaise Zabini


Title: Thanks, Potter
Author: pagan_toon76
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 296

Malfoy Manor

8 May


Thanks for the lunch invite at your place this Saturday; Hermione and I will be there.

You’re not inviting Johnson again, are you? I refuse to play Quidditch with her if you do. That last time we played at your place, she aimed that Bludger right at my - well, it’s a very vulnerable spot, and I am not explaining to Hermione again why I can’t play hide the snake in the grass with her this weekend.

By the way, I appreciate that little gift pack you sent her. I never knew such a thing as a maternity pillow existed. I grudgingly bow my head to superior Muggle inventions, especially when they save me from my lovely wife’s constant requests for back rubs in the middle of the night.

It’s put her in a better frame of mind as well: she’s finally stopped conjuring up those fake pregnant bellies for me to wear so that I may fully experience the joys of carrying my son and heir, as she does.

Did the Weaselette ever punish you with these things? It’s no wonder you’ve stopped at three. I am rethinking my stand of having an heir and a spare.

She’s also stopped enchanting the tea-cups. They no longer sing nursery rhymes whenever a house-elf picks them up. Thank Merlin! I nearly had a mutiny on my hands. It was worse than the time she tried to transfigure Mother’s peacocks into - well, never mind, let’s not go there, eh?

Right, Potter. The love of my life has just walked in with a wicked, naughty look in her eye. I know what that means; I’ve read that book you recommended and I’ll be enjoying the second trimester while I still can!

Yours, etc,
DM -


Title: From The Enchanting Specimen
Author: miHnn
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 385


It has come to my attention from the two gits you associate yourself with against my will, that you are currently hyperventilating. I believe a statement about a brown paper bag was also made. Sounded like a bloody Muggle contraption, more like.

I would have made my way to your chambers like any gallant knight, had the two same gits prats gits not stopped me because of a silly Muggle tradition that I'm supposed to abide. Needless to say, I'm locked in my chambers and the only way to send this letter is by owl. And once you get this, feed him, why don't you. The bloody thing looks a bit peckish.

Now, back to the business at hand. You must get over yourself and marry me. I know it must be daunting to marry an enchanting specimen like me. Having someone so perfect in your life must be dreadful. I can empathize with that fact. But locking yourself away and breathing heavily into a paper bag is not the way to spend ones wedding day.

I understand you must feel vulnerable at this moment. You poor thing, you must be scared out of your wits with the very thought of being declared my equal in the eyes of the law. After being treated a certain way most of your life, you have obviously not matured enough like the rest of us and put this whole ugly business behind you. I understand that I come with good looks, money and prestige, but that is no reason to think yourself unworthy of me. Our children might even be so lucky as to get your intelligence and my head of hair.

And if this hasn't prompted you to search me out and slap me the way you did in third year, then I have truly failed in my endeavour. But, if I have succeeded and if you're currently clenching your wand tight, my love, I will be the bloke at the end of the aisle wearing an uncomfortable Muggle torture device called a 'tux'.

From the love your life, and not to mention the God of your bedroom,


P.S. - Please don't make Potter and Weasley happy by arriving late to marry me. I might have to hex them just to make myself feel better.


Title: Onlooker's Advice
Author: bookishwench
Rating: PG
Warning(s): none
Word Count: 499

Dear Miss Granger,

It has come to my attention that you are pursuing a romantic relationship with a fellow student who belongs to the house of Slytherin. It may surprise you that I know of this development as you seem to think you have covered your tracks relatively well, but the castle ghosts are generally up on all the goings on within our own areas of interest, though we generally remain discrete (though Myrtle’s dalliances with peeking at various virile young males through the tap in the Prefects’ bathroom is an exception and perhaps should be the subject of some warning to the general populace). It may also shock you to receive a missive from a ghost, but a simple enchanted quill does work wonders for taking dictation, even from the corporeally challenged.

But back to my matter of import. I am not, as you most likely assume, writing to you with the purpose of dissuading you from continuing your relationship with Master Malfoy (though I admit I find myself somewhat nonplussed about your selection as the two of you do seem to spend an inordinate amount of time bickering, though perhaps you find that enjoyable). You and your amour of choice seem to be relatively cautious with your rendezvous, but be assured, you are treading a truly treacherous path. There are spies within the school walls, quite literally in some cases, and the information that a pure-blood and a Muggle-born are dallying with one another could cause a literally fatal error.

In addition, I strongly suggest, for reasons that I am unfortunately sworn to secrecy concerning, that you avoid the Room of Requirement at all costs as it is currently vulnerable. While I do not know precisely what is happening in there, I have reason to suspect some party unknown may be fiddling with things better left untouched. Keep Master Malfoy away from that room if you would do both you and him a great favor.

As for your obvious concern regarding the intermingling of Gryffindor and Slytherin, put your thoughts to rest. In my younger years I was known to be rather enamored of Lady Elsabetha Emeraldia, who was Slytherin to the core. As you have discovered, this can be far from a bad thing in certain matters best left undiscussed in detail.

I wish you all health and happiness, and good luck to you in your upcoming finals. By the way, your notes on Herbology regarding the Tufted Toadstool are remarkably well done and I applaud your scholastic achievement as a feather in the cap of Gryffindor. Well done.

Your humble and obedient servant,

Sir Nicholas de Mimsy Porpington, Esq.

P.S. I thank you for your kind research on the post-mortem severing spell, even though the results were fruitless. As I have begun to think the Headless Hunt is in fact populated by worthless windbags whom I would not wish to associate with on a regular basis, we can at last lay aside that particular quest.


Title: Plan B
Author: mister_otter
Rating: PG 13
Warning(s): none
Word Count: 139

To G:
A note about today. I enjoyed that moment by the sun dial, when you admitted that you couldn’t decide whether to: a) hex my balls off, or
b) shag me into mindless oblivion.

I’m taking advantage of your temporary indecision to urge you to choose option B. You have my solemn promise that you won’t be disappointed.

Whether you realize it or not, a) you’ve enchanted me, and b) telling you this reveals my vulnerable side. The confession is well worth the risk involved in making it. I can think of no better way for a Slytherin to convince a Gryffindor of his ultimate sincerity.

Meet me tonight, G. There’s a full summer moon. I have wine, and other things of interest.

If in doubt, paragraph one, option B is the clear choice.

Awaiting your owl,


Title:My Love
Author: strawberry_kait
Word Count:489

My Love,

If you were here with me, I would take you in my arms and hold you so tight, you couldn’t breathe. I would kiss the palms of your hands, each finger tip, twice. I would stare into your eyes so long that we’d both go blind, and then I would kiss the sight back into you, because you don’t want to miss what’s coming.

I’m having naughty thoughts again, imagining the things we could manage, and stockpiling them until we meet again. Because you’ll try anything once, and sometimes twice. Do you want to hear one now? No, they’re too delicious to spoil. Wait, love, just wait.

If we were back at Hogwarts, we’d be in serious trouble.

McGonagall would not only separate us, she’d hex me into a forgotten memory - literally, Obliviating me from that brilliant mind of yours so that you would never recognize me.

Snape would smack us both, then poison my pumpkin juice, ashamed but not surprised.

Thank Merlin we’re beyond that - all of that. I thank Merlin daily that you said yes, and every day since you’ve kept me enchanted and desperate for more.

My hands are idle without you here. My mouth is empty without you to kiss, to praise, and to smile at. But my heart is full - of love, with longing, and brimming with faith and passion. Every moment we’re together surpasses the last, and I can hardly believe this is our life. It’s all you, love.

Just you.

There are too many compliments and never enough time to give them, but I’ll forever try, because I can’t help myself.

You are maddeningly smart.

Your hair smells like warm wheat and makes me rather hungry.

You are kind, to everybody, especially those who don’t deserve kindness.

You taught me how to laugh, and smile. And love fully.

You have the heart of a lion and - no surprise - there’s room for us all.

I suspect you’ll be a wonderful mum.

I missed you the second you left. I walk through this lonely house and smell you everywhere. I ache knowing you are not just in the next room. You have left me utterly vulnerable and I cannot live without you. This is torture.

If you were here, I would whisper my dirty fantasies into your ear, punctuated with kisses and fondling. I want to ravage your wine-stained lips until you clutch my hair, unable to breathe, and then kiss you once more, slowly. I would untuck your blouse from your sensible trousers and kiss your stomach. It would be warm and soft and would quiver beneath my caresses.

There is nothing in my life that you have not improved, where you are not found every day, because you gave me this life when you said you loved me, too.

I love you so very much.

Hurry home to me, love. I’ll be waiting in our bed. Be ready.
- D


REMEMBER: Vote for the NUMBER of the drabble, NOT THE NAME. It just makes it easier on the mods!

Please leave both a MOST favorite and a LEAST favorite vote. We must have both in order for your votes to count.

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This Week: Vulnerable and Enchant
Voting ends 11:59 EST (GMT -4) Friday, May 13th

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This Week: Vulnerable and Enchant
Voting ends 11:59 EST (GMT -4) Friday, May 13th

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