Title: A Good Breeze
Author: chocolateveela
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Notes/Warning: Chocolateveela, 100
"Er, Draco--What are you doing?"
"Getting dressed."
"I can see that, I mean, what are you wearing? You can't wear green robes with gold stars on them to a Muggle shopping center."
"Sure I can. Besides, I like my dress robes, my boy bits get a good breeze."
"Here wear this, I bought it and you've never worn it."
"What is this made of, kneazle fur?"
"It's called cashmere and it's muggle. Put it on."
"I'm going to trade you for a fiancee with some style."
"Nice try finding someone else that will put up with a grown man going commando in a green dress."