Title: Reading in Bed
drcjsniderRating: PG-13
Word Count: 245
Notes/Warning: Written for Day 6 of the Valentine’s Challenge, Prompt 6: I thought that poetry was the food of love.
“Release me, woman!” Draco growled, rattling the hand-cuffs that had him bound to the headboard.
“You promised we could spend the day together in bed.”
“That’s when I thought staying in bed all day meant lots of sex!”
The morning had started off promising with Hermione showing up looking all mischievous. When she’d suggested chaining him up, Draco had been pleasantly surprised, since Hermione rarely got kinky. However, instead of her doing unmentionable things to his body once he was immobilized, she’d opened up a book of poetry by some joker named Witman and proceeded to read from it aloud.
“You are not being a good sport about this,” Hermione pointed out.
“Well, too bad! I’m bored, my arms hurt, and I’m hungry.”
“I thought poetry was the food of love?”
Draco shook his head. Hermione could be such a bloody tease. “Okay, luv. I’m willing to compromise. Let’s switch places and I’ll read to you for the next hour.”
Hermione looked unconvinced, but after a little pleading, a few promises, and a couple of binding spells the two had exchanged positions. As soon as he was free, Draco hopped out of bed and left the room.
“Hey!” Hermione called, sounding irritated. “You promised to read to me!”
“I’m going to, luv,” he replied upon returning. “I just needed to get some material.”
Rather than being pleased that Draco was upholding his end of the bargain, Hermione let out a frustrated groan as he opened up the most recent issue of Quidditch Illustrated and began to read.