Title: Charms
elyaeruRating: K
Word Count: 397
Notes/Warning: Beta'd by
krissa27; written for my "charms" prompt on my prompt table. :)
It was silver; just a simple silver, thin coil that was wrapped around her wrist. The light glistened off of it. On its own, it looked like it would clash horribly with her somewhat pale skin, but when she had it on it looked quite magical. Or perhaps that was because of the small trinkets that were securely fixed onto it.
A silver wand; to signify the start of the war and to remind her what times we were all living through.
I looked at the charms that she had attached on to it; there was nothing else to do. Everyone was sat in their chairs, listening to the eulogy. I had only come because she had asked me too. I had only come because she told me that I had to come. Had to come. I could have refused, should have refused but there was some sort of pleading in her eyes. I wish I hadn't come.
Then a book; just a small book that Ron had given her. It was attached firmly in place beside the wand.
We were sat right at the back. Past the grieving mother, past the influential people, people from the Ministry and the a long way a way from the tomb that held the body. I didn't feel emotional but I knew that she was. I knew that she was trying to hide her emotions; her reason for us to come was to make sure nothing suspicious or bad happened but when I saw her that day I think I knew that it was nothing to do with anything that might have happened.
After the book was a broomstick. It was a joke between the three of us; the fact that Hermione couldn't fly. This one was most familiar to me because I had chosen it for her.
We had come because she wanted to, and when I saw her eyes glass over, I moved my hand over and held hers. She squeezed it and then the first of the tears came out. It never dawned on me, I never knew. Her deep brown eyes were flooding with tears and I'm not that stupid. I saw her deep brown eyes and looked into them and I saw so many things that I didn't - never - want to see. The things I feared.
Then a ferret.
She had loved him.