Title: Candy Cigarettes (2/4)
Pairing: Clark/Bruce
Rating: PG-13 (Though I want to say R)
Word count: 15218
Warnings: Drug use, violence, disturbing imagery, and innuendo (Bats and Clowns do not make nice housepets)
Summary: Superman visits Arkham, and finds the Joker behind bars. He and the Joker have an unusual conversation about Batman.
A/N: This is
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Comments 4
“Hear about it? I thought I started that rumor,” Joker said, looking confused.
That made me laugh out loud X) Freaking Joker... so weird...
That was the last possible thing that Superman could ever do to help, it felt so petty and insignificant. A child could have done it.
Superman knew why he hadn’t come down here to Arkham before.That? Was brilliant. I think Arkham is one of those places that could exist nowhere but in Gotham, and the way everybody's rogues end up in Gotham's Arkham or Black Gate... there's something in the city, or maybe it makes the heroes feel better, having them out of *their* cities. And Superman's powerlessness here, how there's nothing he can do to help these people, it's fantastic. Great, great lines ( ... )
They write themselves. You can't let them takeover and eat the story. Especially Joker. Freaking blabbermouth...
That was the last possible thing that Superman could ever do to help, it felt so petty and insignificant. A child could have done it.
Superman knew why he hadn’t come down here to Arkham before.
That? Was brilliant.
I worked very hard on this part, to get the right balance of black humour and feeling. Dying is easy comedy is hard as Joker would say.
I think Arkham is one of those places that could exist nowhere but in Gotham, and the way everybody's rogues end up in Gotham's Arkham or Black Gate... there's something in the city, or maybe it makes the heroes feel better, having them out of *their* cities. And Superman's powerlessness here, how there's nothing he can do to help these people, it's fantastic. Great, great lines. ( ... )
Liz Lee
Iz-Lay, ee-lay
Clark Kent
Ark-Clay, Ent-Kay
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