Title: Candy Cigarettes (3/4)
Pairing: Clark/Bruce
Rating: PG-13 (Though I want to say R)
Word count: 15218
Warnings: Drug use, violence, disturbing imagery, and innuendo (Bats and Clowns do not make nice housepets)
Summary: Superman visits Arkham, and finds the Joker behind bars. He and the Joker have an unusual conversation about Batman.
A/N: This is
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Comments 3
Bruce was too determined to let things like that throw him off his game. Bruce invented the word macho.
LOL, if Bruce pay heed to all the things said about him, he wouldn't do anything much. He's target to practically every accusation ever...
Angry, full of wrath and arrogance, vengeful, and with no sense of fun, no sense of style, no spirit of giving, no mercy, no heart. He will always be Batman first.
Come on, Clark! don't fall for his game. It all came apart for me there, because that Batman Joker is describing can't be the same guy who laughs about being immature and still keeps an eye in Arkham's inmates by trying to make the place better, and all the things that Bruce, not Batman, does. The sense of humor, the heart, the mercy? those are all Bruce's, and Joker doesn' ( ... )
Yep. He eats a bowl of nails and glass for breakfast with motoroil on top with a glass of battery acid. Hes the Batman... most macho of the macho
He's target to practically every accusation ever...
Especially in this 'verse. A hint for my next story... Batman in the pound!
Come on, Clark! don't fall for his game. It all came apart for me there, because that Batman Joker is describing can't be the same guy who laughs about being immature and still keeps an eye in Arkham's inmates by trying to make the place better, and all the things that Bruce, not Batman, does. The sense of humor, the heart, the mercy? those are all Bruce's, and Joker doesn't get to know those. Come ooon, Clark!See there is the problem... I think Batman is cool because he has this flexibility, that could easily shatter. I think the Joker is a ( ... )
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