(no subject)

Feb 25, 2008 14:21

Ok, so I have had an evening to process the absolute craziness that was yesterday :) The tale, my friends, is epic but surreal and hilarious. So, continue on! Unless random dancing scares you, in which case, this story is not for you.

I had somehow managed to get yesterday off work, which was mucho amazingo. My little sister woke up at 6:30AM! She is so, so in love with the Audition - they're her 3rd favourite band and she knows every single word to "Champion" already - and especially Danny, so she wanted to queue all day. Of course, I am very supportive of her obsessions and my big sister and I decided we would indeed queue all day. We got to the Garage just before 10am. There were two girls there, Cleo and Shell. There was a little bit of drama over who was there first - seriously, you could tell they were 16 from the dramarama but we got it sorted. We decided they could be in front of us in the queue because they were only interested in the support act, You Me At Six.

We had to make a rota of bathroom trips - only one person could leave at a time etc. Leeanne and Nicole went off in hunt of the bus, which had been driving round in circles for an hour haha. Around 1pm, we had eaten our sandwiches which Nicole had cleverly prepared beforehand and Nicole and I heard from Cleo and Co that the bus had finally parked round the back of the venue. Leeanne said we should go round there and wait.

We were round there for about two and a half hours, not joking! But it was awesome, there were about 10 of us there and between intense showers of rain, we started doing the Hokey Cokey. Repeatedly. People kept coming out of the bus - roadies etc - and staring, pointing, laughing etc. It was quite funny, a novel way to keep warm. It's the first time I've ever hung around at a bus before, but it was really, really fun. Everyone was awesome!

Danny came out, still damp from a shower! We all continued doing the hokey cokey before thinking: hmm, maybe we should talk to him haha. He gave everyone hugs (including myself: awesome hugger, it has to be said. He's so cuddly and warm. Purr) before dashing into the venue to put his contact lenses in. When he came out to put his bag back on the bus, Shell asked him if he would do the Hokey Cokey with us. He just laughed and said: "Maybe when I come back out". Which we all took to be a no haha. One of the roadies had refused to do it with us haha, it was a shame cuz he was a cutie pie.

Anyway, Danny did come back out after a half hour of us continuously doing the hokey cokey outside the bus. AND HE DID THE HOKEY COKEY WITH US!

It was beyond surreal. Cat has photographic proof - she bluetoothed these pictures to me in the queue, and I have to post them because they are amazing.

You can see my bag/hands in the second one haha. Oh, it was awesome. He signed my Champion booklet, as well as Nicole's ticket, and stood for pictures.

Please excuse how retarded I look haha.

So we went back round the front just before four! Haha. Leeanne had been lovely, letting us stay round there. She had made lots of new friends by the time we got back round. Some serious gossiping, fun, debates about punk (which I clearly won) and general fun happened.

The bouncers told us we had to get off the step, which of course we would have done but the girls behind us in the queue would not move back. They were all: "OMG We've been here since like, half 2 and we're not moving!" Which of course, we could seriously trump with: "We've been here since 10am!" Anyway, we weren't asking them to leave the queue, just to take two steps back. They were moaning that people had skipped and everything. It was ridiculous - one of them even went up to the security guys and was all: "some of these people have skipped". Little hypocrite bitch - Leeanne watched her skip a ton of people!

Anyway, doors opened at seven and Leeanne, Nicole, Cat and I ended up at the barrier. Nicole was just one person from the centre, to the right, which turned out fantastic because Danny seemed to favour the right side of the stage.

Just Surrender came on first, and I tell ya, they weren't bad. The constant plugs of their CD got a little annoying, but musically, they were quite good. I enjoyed them, even though I was getting touched inappropriately by that point.

You Me At Six came on next. A lot of people had been waiting for them, and I can see why. They're young, attractive, and have some talent. But they have no originality, no spark, at all. Their singer isn't as good as he thinks he is either. I mean, they were fun, and sometimes that's all you need - god knows a lot of my favourite bands aren't exactly groundbreakers, but I think I'm a little too old for a band like that. I'm looking for something a little deeper these days.

Let's just get this out the way first: The Audition were AMAZING. Danny has a great voice, and so much charisma it's unbelievable. He has a lot of energy, and was constantly dancing around the stage. They put together a hell of a set as well. Here it is:

- Edinboro
- You Made Us Conscious
- Ashamed (is what it's listed as?)
- Shady Business
- Smoke and Mirrors
- Lawyers
- Make It Rain
- Dance Halls Turn to Ghost Towns
- Basbhat
- Warm Me Up
- Don't Be So Hard

I think they played another song between Warm Me Up and Don't Be So Hard but I'm not sure. Anyway! Nicole was going crazy the whole time, she was singing every single word to every song, dancing and jumping up and down. Her knees are all grazed from where she was jumping up and down behind the barriers.

Danny gave me the most amazing smile during Dance Halls. I am about to go fan girl: brace yourself. He was right in front of me, and I was singing along and dancing, like you do. Anyway, he looked me right in the eye and grinned. It was the most amazing smile, because his tongue was sticking out between his teeth and he was nodding. Leeanne was like: "Woah, did you see the smile you just got!". Nicole and Danny had some serious eye contact going on as well, it was sweet. It made her so happy :)

Leeanne has some awesome pictures of their set on her phone, but didn't bring her cable with her so we can't upload them till she comes back. She also has videos of Danny doing the hokey cokey, which of course will be uploaded!

Nicole grabbed one of the setlists out of one of the girls' hands haha. It was so swift and sneaky! I really, really wanted a set list because I've never gotten one before, so Nicole just yoinked it for me. It's now pride of place on the wall of random :) Along with the tickets and signed album booklet.

We would have stuck around I think, because Danny and Co were headed to the ABC to do a DJ set but Nicole had an exam today, Leeanne has work and Cat has classes so we just nipped down to the merch so Nicole could get a tee shirt and then we headed home.

I am, of course, an absolute wreck today. My neck, back, arms and torso are so sore haha. My voice is just...gone. I have a killer cold now too haha. But it was worth it, of course.

So, the Audition were amazing :) It's been one of the best shows I've seen for a while! Bring on Panic!


(cross posted to my actual journal)
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