So it's almost Thanksgiving and, as per usual during the lead up to holidays, my work ethic has dropped off a cliff. Just phoning it in until I can make it to Wednesday evening
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Today's entry needs to be twice as good as the last one, because if I were to suddenly die or be abducted by some nefarious person or creature, I don't want the last thing people remember me writing to be a discourse on taking refuge in pooping.
Now that I spend 10-15 hours at school everyday, I've grown to appreciate restroom breaks. I never thought I would relish using a public bathroom, but you're working all day and talking about nothing but engineering with your peers and constantly under bombardment from some unnatural combination of body odor, old stagnant mystery food, and Panda
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I'm going to start posting in this again. I know I said this some other time (probably multiple times), but it's 4real this time (for at least this post
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There's nothing better than posting in your livejournal when you're absolutely bored and trying to evade work at all costs. Leanne, tell me a funny story about college.