Back from the Dead (PART 3)

Dec 19, 2005 22:44

So, in the ensuing chaos of scalded-lady screams, I slyly sneak into the seat. My seat. And sip, looking quite "Cool and Coquettish".Ok, so that was a lie ( Read more... )

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Comments 25

akronohten December 20 2005, 04:33:18 UTC
So when are you going to come back to the real world, you know, where we don't have trains that require pushers and where the whores don't look so hideous?


anonymous December 20 2005, 07:02:54 UTC
hey! keep it akimbo and hang in there :)

from jo (brit)


drawma_boy December 27 2005, 16:34:31 UTC
thanks, smart stuff.... i hope osaka ain't keeping you down this holiday season. stay warm and much love!



(The comment has been removed)

drawma_boy December 27 2005, 16:36:55 UTC
oh babe, we miss you unbelievably much! i've seen yih twice and steve once, and try to keep up with katherine every once in awhile. your name is mentioned more times than jesus at a baptist revival! and with as much awe!

hey, has somethin'-somethin' special arrived in your mailbox lately?!?


starmonkee December 20 2005, 17:49:21 UTC
Ah, Yamanote.... How do I love thee, let me call you back


drawma_boy December 27 2005, 16:37:20 UTC
yeah, the yamanote.... it can be such a savior, and such a bane!


starofpersia December 21 2005, 00:45:07 UTC
Man, I guess I really don't miss Japan...:p


drawma_boy December 27 2005, 16:37:42 UTC
you know you do sometimes! the little things....


starofpersia December 27 2005, 19:35:16 UTC
I guess I do miss it, but I sure as hell don't miss the misogyny and racism!


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