I've been thinking about buying or building a new PC for a while. I did some poking around yesterday, and found some neat stuff. Any opinions on these choices should be added as a comment, and I'll take those into consideration
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Oh Fine....turkchiefNovember 25 2004, 02:18:30 UTC
That's all well and good, but with the hundreds of folks I know, you think at least ONE of them would have e-mailed me, and said so!!!!...(sheesh!!!).....(not HASH sheesh sadly)...TC
GeForce FX5700
November 29 2004, 14:13:41 UTC
Watch out with the GeForceFX's below the 6000 model number. They're the MX members of the line, and will perform about the same as a slow GeForce3Ti at best, 256MB be damned. Check Nvidia's website for actual performance values. Your target, though, for a low-end "performance" model is around $150 for the card.
Comments 9
- Consider a non-stock heatsink/fan if you're going to overclock.
- GB Network card?
- Video Capture card?
- Dual monitor support?
I went with the AMD64 CPU/chipset. Personal preference.
A quick check indicates that 200gb is the midrange drive size... go a step up to 250 or 300... you won't regret it.
I use pricewatch.com for my basic component shopping.
I mean, the only way I'd see someone responding to that would be if they had some sort of constructive feedback, like, "I have a spare wireless card".
Otherwise, I wouldn't be in the slightest surprised that I didn't receive a response if I asked for some obscure spare item of that nature.
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