I'm fascinated by the way that when you start noticing something particularly, you spot loads of examples. It seems like that thing is really prevalent, when in fact it isn't really any more prevalent than it used to be, it's just that you're noticing and remembering every occurrence. (Although sometimes it can be an age/cohort effect as well -
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Comments 3
I am drinker of relatively weak tea (or normal tea, as I call it). I used to share a house with a drinker of ridiculously strong, over-stewed tea (or normal tea, as she called it). It was very difficult for either of us to make tea for the other...
Me: can my tea bag come out now please
F: sorry, sure, I'll just... < starts stirring and mashing it about >
Me: no, out please!
F: yes, I'm just squeezing it properly...
Me: out! Out! Stop doing things to it!
The other way round was less dramatic, because I'd leave hers to stew and then forget about it.
I thought I could happily drink any tea where the mug didn't taste of soap, but have found certain teas (Sainsburys red fair trade one, in particular) are very fussy about having seconds-after-boiling water on them, or they taste metallic and rank. PG Tips is tolerant of pretty much anything a Brit would do to it.
In my first job, my manager would take the tea bag partly out by one corner, tap it against the side, let it drip, then pull it out a bit further, repeat, a bit further, repeating about ten times. Invariably he would drop it at some point and have to start again. We would sit in meetings mesmerised by it for a good half hour.
The best cup of tea is one made for me while I'm in bed. Actual taste is fairly irrelevant in the circs - djm4 offered me a drink after our first date in the morning and I asked for ( ... )
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