Mar 02, 2006 12:15
a picture on a wall.
a meaningless comment, that cracks the thin ice i tread.
so much and so little.
my last entry infuriates me.
mornings are awesome. i love thursdays.
Feb 26, 2006 01:26
i miss my heart's star.
thats about it.
i'm all ready for work.
life is weird.
when one freedom falls, all other freedoms fall like a house of cards
Feb 14, 2006 19:35
its been forever.
and i'm in love with the endless shadows of the sky.
it snowed this morning. =)
iron maiden and ex girlfriends. the best ever.
Jan 10, 2006 12:28
and pirates and ninjas swooped down from the sky and saved us all.
break was good.
good is my way of saying, alot changed. and in good ways.
i'm sorta hungry. and sorta sleepy.
i guess i should eat and then do some homework and then sleep. and then go to work.
this is me bored.
Nov 22, 2005 21:07
my head, it is spinns.
right well.
i had something witty to say.
some great earth shattering remark.
but, once i finish this paper, its off to never never land.
yeah, one crazy night after the other.
Nov 21, 2005 14:04
well, i'm not.
coffee at 2p.m. hon's still knocked out. i wonder what time he came home last night.
i have a paper to finish.
ps// i want someone to drink coffee with at odd hours. where is he?