Yes, I typed this up and read it as I recorded it. Didn't really think you wanted audio of me "umm"ing all the time as I tried to figure out what to say, lol
Click for audio This is the closest you’ll get to a voice post from me for a while, since I can’t afford to purchase Skype, which means I’m settling for the free version, which means I only get 1 free outgoing call that’s not Skype to Skype.
Sorry everyone for not updating either my regular LJ, or my graphics community. Life’s been…well, to be perfectly honest about it, hell.
If you’ve been following, you know Dad’s been in the hospital since January. The news just keeps getting worse. As of right now, he has stage 4 cancer in the right lung, which has already spread to the point that it’s created 3 small tumors in his brain. The doctors are giving him about a year to live, but, to be honest about it, we’ll be surprised if he lasts until June.
In happier news, I had a good Easter. Hope you all had the same. Free candy is always a way to make me happy.
I know some of you have given up on Heroes, but I still love it. To be honest, we’ve had the best episodes of the season, arguably of the past couple seasons, the past couple weeks. Although I’ve loved everything we’ve gotten this season and last season, even I have to admit the quality and story have both improved tremendously.
Sadly, no Supernatural last Thursday. That makes me sad. I miss my Supernatural.
However, I got my Doctor Who fix with the Easter special which was, to be blunt, bloody awesome. If you watch Doctor Who, you’ll recognize the dark path they’re taking him down at the end. In the last full season of the show, the Doctor was told by the Ood (a really odd alien race that are oddly cool) that even his song must end. In the special, he was told his song was ending. Not really a surprise, since Tennant is leaving the show and the 11th Doctor has already been cast. The Doctor was also warned that “he always knocks four times,” whatever that means. There have been rumors about the return of the Master, which would be awesome, since he’s always been one of my favorite villains.
In happier personal news, I’m using my new laptop to post this. Got it a while back, about a week or so ago. Loving it, even if I’m still not a huge fan of Vista.
Had a decent birthday, although it also sucked. Spent part of it at the hospital, since it’s probably the last of my birthdays I’ll have with Dad. Unfortunately, he wasn’t awake at all. However, I did get a Kodak digital camera and the Season 1 DVD set of CSI.
I’m also writing a new fic, called Fractures, that I’m currently posting at I’m thinking of setting up another LJ so I have a place to post my fics here as well. Yes, I’m a reader whore, and I like reviews. Lots of reviews. Makes me feel special.
On another front, still looking for work. Not so easy when I spend half my time at the hospital, and the other half of my time working around the house since, understandably, Mom isn’t in any shape to deal with the mess regularly. I’m still hoping to find something I can do from home.
So, that’s about it from the house of crazy this time. Talk to you all later.