War's Diplomats

Jul 07, 2007 23:52

Continued from here.


Two weeks later, the negotiations had finally concluded. Treaties had been hammered out, promises of goodwill clearly defined in legal and binding terms, documents had been signed and sealed under witness.

The diplomatic parties were preparing to depart to their home countries and home villages, most of the shinobi more than ready to shed their diplomatic robes for sensible fighting clothes and the chance to simply knock heads together, instead of being forced to reason with them.

Hinata was, at least, and she normally preferred a more diplomatic approach.

She surveyed the castle grounds one last time. She had said her good-byes to Lord and, especially, Lady Ellensgrove the night before; her party was leaving slightly before the break of dawn, along with most of the rest of the shinobi groups.

And there was Jirobou and his retinue, getting to leave as well. Across the courtyard, he looked up at her.

They met each other halfway across the courtyard, both walking slow enough that their casual speed was bordering on hesitant.

“It was a pleasure to work with you,” she said at last.

“And with you.”

There was a brief moment of silence before Hinata spoke again. “Could I have an address?” She hurriedly added “In c-case there’s any further business involving the insects. I know I’d like to be appraised of the situation. If it were me.” At least she hadn’t stuttered, much.

He simply nodded, and addresses were exchanged. Another silent moment passed.

“I should be going,” said Hinata at last. She could see Ino pacing, Shikamaru leaning against his bags and apparently asleep, out of the corner of her eye. “Goodbye.”

“Goodbye,” he responded, and Hinata turned and left.


She waited a week and a half after she had returned home before she sent a letter (mostly) about incidents involving creatures or events similar to the insects. She received one two days later, soon enough that she knew that Jirobou had sent one before he had received hers.


It was mid-morning, two months after Hinata had first served as diplomat for Konoha in the Post-War Mass Negotiations, as the school teachers were calling it when they were teaching.

She had just finished her kata when there was a knock on the practice-room door; curious, she went to open it.

She was surprised to see Jirobou, a branch family Hyuuga serving as his guard, standing stiffly at attention. Jirobou himself looked mostly nervous and awkward.

“Hello,” she murmured as she approached. “This is a surprise.”

“I’m-serving as the envoy to Konohagakure from Otogakure currently,” he said.

“It’s nice of you to drop by to see me.” Hinata was blushing slightly, to her horror. “But would you excuse me a moment so I can change?”

Jirobou stood to the side so she could pass. The man guarding him relaxed slightly at her recognition of the man he was accompanying.

Hinata returned a few minutes later. She had maybe put a bit more effort into her appearance than she normally did, but she wasn’t bothering to think of that right now.

“Would you like me to show you around Konoha? It’s nice to see things from a native’s perspective when you’re visiting a place.”

“That sounds-nice,” said Jirobou, and smiled.

Hinata smiled back.


fic, het, naruto, oneshots, complete

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