Title: Penumbra
Fandom: MMPR
Summary: Billy fixes the Zords' power source.
Rating: G
Disclamier: I do not own the Power Rangers.
“Billy, what are you doing?” Alpha asked, watching as the Blue Rangers stripped several wires within his Zord's cockpit. Billy didn't answer immediately, instead carefully twining two wires together and looking up at his computer. He stared at the information slowly moving down the screen as he answered, his hands absently untangling another of the many wires that made up the OS.
“Well, Alpha. The Zords' dependency on solar power is highly crippling. During battle, this deficiency could be catastrophic. Rita has previously used this power to weaken us. I am endeavoring to ensure that she cannot do this again.” He paused and frowned at the computer before his expression lit up in boyish glee. He ducked down, pulling two more, completely ununique wires up and stripped them before twining them together.
Alpha watched Billy do this, it's head tilted to the side slightly. “You're trying to run the Zord's off a different power source?”
“Correct.” Billy answered. “All I need to do is strip these wires,” he replied, pointing at a pile of wires by his feet then pointing towards the ones he was working on, “And cross these. That should be sufficient in reversing the Zord's polarity.”
“But Billy, if it's not going to run on the sun, what power source are you going to use? The Zords use a lot of power.”
Billy looked over at him and smiled mysteriously. “I'm going to use what even Rita cannot banish Alpha. Penumbra.”