Tarot Meme

May 26, 2010 20:28

Quite recently, I got a tarot deck from a friend. the book that came with it suggests writing stories to help me learn the cards. So I decided to create this. It's a meme I made, based on the 21 Major Arcana. I myself will be doing all of them eventually. In the mean time, write as many or as few fanfics as you'd like based on the cards.

O The Fool This card suggests you are at a crossroads. Follow your instincts even if it seems illogical.

I The Magician This card suggests it's time to focus on your goals, applying all your determination and ability. It also suggests you will have success in this endevors.

II The High Priestess This card suggests knowledge deeper than one can learn, knowledge that you must trust your instincts to understand. it can also suggest you are about to embark on a spiritual journey. more mundanly, can suggest the sharing of knowledge and secrets.

III The Empress This card represents nuturing without forcing or neglecting. There is great potential for growth if good care is given.

IV The Emperor This is the time to be in control of your life. Do not let others make the decisions for you.

V The Heirophant Represents the perfect balance of belief with practice. You will be a good teacher or it may be time to seek a teacher.

VI The Lovers  This represents a choice to be made and the way to make them. Do you follow your heart or your head? A balanced decision can be made.

VII The Chariot This card represents victory through mastery. Two powerful forces must be made to work together in order to acheive your goals.

VIII Strength This card represents your drives and passions. Understand them to achieve your goals and use the strength that gives you in your current situation.

IX The Hermit This card represents a personal truth that can only be acheived by removing yourself from the situation.

X The Wheel of Fortune This card represents a change in fortune in the future. Things may be hard at first but they will get better in the long run.

XI Justice This card represents a decision to be made carefully because it will affect you in the future. This card represents Karma. Could also mean a favorable legal situation.

XII The Hanged man This card stands for sacrifice. You may be asked to give something up for someone or something. Could also mean you need a new way of thinking.

XIII Death This card represents the end of a situation, not physical death. This end will likely be hard but it will mean the beginning of something new.

XIV Temperance This card represents that you should take the situation at hand into account and plan your actions and words accordingly. Make sure you are in balance. You are advised to practice moderation and patience.

XV The Devil This card is rarely a good omen and can represent obssession.

XVI The Tower This card represents a steep change. The bad parts will be stripped away, leaving only the good parts on which to rebuild. All the lies and half-truths will be revealed.

XVII The Star This card offers guidance and hope. Steer your actions based on the light provided by the star and you will soon enter solid ground after being in the dark.

XVIII The Moon This card is at once beautiful and dreadful. It represents dreams, instinct, intuition, and fears. This light can cause things to appearer safer or more dangerous than they actually are. Great inspiration is at hand, but it won't be an easy journey.

XIX The Sun A simple message of joy. This card brings great joy, clear truth, and well-deserved success.

XX Judgement Face your past before moving on. Whatever has happened before, it is time to acknowledge it, accept it, and move on. You been through so much and learned from it but it is time to free yourself from the past. A time of change is at time.

XXI The World This card is about big achievements. Success, completeness, satisfaction, and fulfillment are woven into your life. May also represent extensive travel.

meme, tarot

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