Jun 12, 2005 15:29
((( Comment on my journal with your name and I will tell you something I adore about you. Afterwards, copy and paste this into your own livejournal. )))
Jun 08, 2005 18:40
just qot back frum disney...it was cool i quess...we went surfinq!! chyess!!! lol..sry havent done that in sooo lonq..lol...don`t really feel like writinq out everyday...to lazy..lol...wanna hanq 2moro?? call.
xox lena
Jun 01, 2005 19:02
last exam 2moro!! ahh so f`n happy!!!!!!!!lol
science exam 2moro thouqh.. :[ uqhh science+me=bad lolol
qrad partay 2moro..ahaha cuz im cool like that lol..yah my loser sister is watchinq me type this cuz she has no life...ahahaha..ha...lol..okay im qunna qo study sum more/shower...
xox lena
May 30, 2005 09:52
watchinq a movie rite now...uqhh hafta start studyinq 4 exams 2dayy... :[
2moro we have math and enqlish? idk..i qet my hair cut 2moror 2! yay lol....um not much 2 say cuz its early....ex oh ex
inlovewithsomeone lena