So I've been sick for several weeks. But I'm feeling much better now.
So I have some rather pent up rants. Some of them might not be pretty.
Please note, I put this under an LJ cut, rather then splattering my snarky "complainer" attitude all over more public message viewers. Please bare that in mind, if your considering shouting me down for my venting. Again.
Anyway... on with the rants.
Random Rants:
* Damn you, Georg Lucas. Damn you to Sith.
* Land of Chocolate Lesbians.
* More of a slashing motion, as opposed to a stabbing one.
* I like big smarts, and I can not lie.
Points on Nero:
* I'm just gonna say it now. When WAR and Ennis screws you other chapters AGAIN in a few months... won't say I told you so. Because I'm saying it now. I told you so.
* I just realized what I've been doing for the last 2 years. I've been looking for something, anything to do in nero... that doesn't involve getting my ass kicked by a huge monster. So far? No luck.
* Here's the problem, I've discovered. I keep trying to play Medieval Sims.... while everyone else is playing Diablo III. I'm just playing the wrong game.
* I figured out what I'm going to do if I have to replace Vale. I'm going to make Painter. there are clearly not enough Quentari in the game. hehe.
* Ok. Srsly. If I have to switch Perego's transform path, AGAIN, I'm just DFMing the stupid thing.
* I blame the Lumberton Rat. For realz.
Points on Politics:
* Gee. Thanks keith Olbermann for totally abandoning the people that watched you. Good job. Now all the Left has are a bunch of rambling morons. (and a lesbian vampire).
* Monday on MSNBC... Chris Matthews becomes the next in a long line of chubby interns to suck on Bill Clinton's... well.. ahem. Anyway. "President of the World" my ass. Thanks for proving MSNBC really is the Left Fox.
* I hate it when Sen Rockefeller is right, but he is. Fox and MSNBC need to be shut down.
* Hey Boehner! Where are those jobs?
* 2 Republican representatives decided not to show up to their own swearing in. Awesome. When can I vote your stupid asses out again?
* Oh THANK You WV Government. Thank you for giving me ANOTHER election year. Great. 8 more months of people campaigning for governor... so then can turn it around and do it AGAIN in 2012. Great. Non stop campaigning. Awesome. Don't call here. You will get cussed out.
Random Lolcat of the Day: -----------------------
Random thing in my Youtube: --------------------
When I am King:
When I am king... anyone who uses the phrase "take it to the next level" will be taken to the next level... and thrown off.