Life/Family/Love and whatever:
So... in 32 years of life, I saw something today I've never ever seen before. I saw my parents dance... together. Like a couple.
It was at a wedding reception. The DJ wanted everyone married to get on the dance floor for a slow dance along with the newly weds. And my parents, after some prodding... did. They got up and danced. He held her and she him, and they slow danced. Like a couple. Like a pair of people in love.
And then the dance was over, and they skittered back to their seats, happy they didn't have to pretend they liked each other in front of people any more.
But still. In 32 years... I've never seen them... together... like that. Maybe I'm making more of it than it is. But still. There it is.
Maybe that's why I believe the way I do. Or... more exactly... why I don't believe. I don't believe, not truly, in long lasting love. I don't believe in that "Love till death do us part" thing. I don't believe in love enduring more than a decade or two at best.
Maybe I don't believe in it... because I've never seen it.
I believe in love. I've seen it in others. I've felt it myself. I believe in passion. I've felt it. Experienced it. But love? True... long lasting love? That "Grow old with me, the best is yet to be" stuff? That "happily ever after" stuff? Nah. I don't believe in that.
I've never been in the presence of something like that. I've never seen any evidence of it's existence.
And ya know? The fact that I know I don't' believe in it? And the fact I know why I don't believe in it? Makes me rather sad.
Random RP:
So... I'm writing a Star Wars Saga edition campaign. Like... a game I'd DM.
I'm not sure why I'm writing it. I'm not sure who I'd like... run it for. Who'd play? Who'd enjoy it. But I'm writing it anyway.
Damn artist/writer brain.
Random LoLcat of the day: ------------------------------
Random thing in my Youtube: