
Jun 06, 2007 16:07

oh man. tomorrow.

he leaves tonight. at like 7.
10 hour drive.
if they dont stop they'll be here at 5am.
he said they'll check into their hotel and get some breakfast.
and then come and wake me.
we'll see.

oh man.
after 6 years.
ohhh maaannnn.

ps. I had my interview at Big Y today.
I think I did alright.
they'll call me.

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Comments 7

mf_princess June 6 2007, 21:01:35 UTC
Oh man I'm wicked excited for you :D

Two more weeks (and two days) until Pierre leaves and he'll be here the day after around 1 PM, oh man I'm getting nervous about that. Are you nervous? God what am I asking, of course you're nervous!

But we both waited 6 years for our friends to see us, it's wicked exciting. And he's only a 10 hour drive? That seems like nothing compared going to FL :P



dream_star June 7 2007, 02:12:55 UTC
totally nervous. like scared almost. and excited at the same time. like I'm gonna puke but then I'm gonna laugh. its weird.

yeah FL is soooo much farther! but I cant believe they're driving throuhg the night. its insane.

isn't it a nice feeling to know you're finally getting what you want?


mf_princess June 8 2007, 01:42:32 UTC
You, there's a Linkin Park concert with HIM MCR TBS and MSI.

I really would like to know if you'd consider it?


819068 June 7 2007, 01:35:12 UTC
which one?


dream_star June 7 2007, 02:06:27 UTC
the memorial drive one. :P


819068 June 7 2007, 05:00:57 UTC


astoldbyjae June 8 2007, 00:14:37 UTC


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