Feb 04, 2008 12:09
whats there to say that could clean up my mind or stimulate it?
nothing because right now words won't do anything as much as experience can or would.
no crystal ball will tell you truth.
Feb 02, 2008 00:10
i truly realized today how bad things, and I could get. i know i shouldn't let them demons get to me, but its hard sometimes for everyone. i don't like to dwell in sadness or pain. it doesn't get me anywhere. and neither did certain situations. i realize now i need to continue moving on, as a whole, not in little pieces.
Feb 01, 2008 23:57
its fine, i'm totally sane. really.
Jan 31, 2008 12:23
the things, events, occasions that happen to you,
the ones you end up thinking about constantly
are they really, truly that important? i'll find out
Jan 30, 2008 14:11
8 books read! yay, thank god for work free class days
Jan 25, 2008 12:02
6 books read
"Hendrix plugs in an electric guitar, he plays it with his teeth. There are soldiers in the Vietnam War right now. Who are they listening to? Clapton? No, they're listening to Hendrix. The guy who tells the truth."
Jan 05, 2008 19:18
ahhhhh, i got 8 books today thanks to my daddy and and and tea, and tea infuser, clothes...uhm boots im happy.
and yet the worst thing happened too
i'd given a lot of people reasons to hate/leave me. but not him so it doesn't make sense. its weird the way things work out
3 books read
Jan 04, 2008 17:41
starting this again
2 books read