A rare post

Nov 18, 2010 01:51

Just a quick post to let everybody know that I've been thinking of you all as the countdown to DH commences. Yes, Erika and I, her friend Emily, and my friend cuspgirl have tix for midnight. We'll be singing the blues on Friday, but never let it be said that we missed a Potter-oriented midnight release. But, sheesh WB, why a school night ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

sophierom November 18 2010, 13:28:50 UTC
They're really going to miss you when you leave. I'm sure that doesn't make up for the fact that they've never given you the pay or respect you deserve. Still, from what I've read about all that you've done for that library (and I'm sure you haven't told us the half of it), they're really, really, really going to miss you!

Have fun at the midnight release! Too bad it's on a Thursday during the school year. I'll bet schools all around the country will have a bunch of bleary-eyed kids tomorrow!

This is the first HP film I'm not seeing when it opens. Perhaps I won't even see it in the theater, as I'd have to get a babysitter, and I'm just not ready to hand my four-month-old to a near-stranger, not even for dear Harry and his crew! But I'm definitely looking forward to the day the film comes out on DVD. ;-D

As for the Master's Degree, would you get an MLS degree, or are you done with libraries for the time being? Whatever you decide, good luck with it!


magglenagall November 18 2010, 15:54:16 UTC
Hey, you! <3 I'll take you up on that Prozac offer, though maybe I'll swap it out on the street for some Valium or Xanax. Good on you on finally saying "Enough!" and resigning from the library, though I know it's going to make life even more challenging that it has been. It'll be interesting to see if they can get anyone to take the job with the skimpy package they have to offer. I know you'll forge ahead come hell or high water, and hope for the best for you, whatever that may be.


kit_the_brave November 19 2010, 06:12:00 UTC
You can go to school online! And move to Texas!

(OK, moving to Texas doesn't technically have anything to do with it, but then I could come and see you!)


annearchy November 19 2010, 16:21:20 UTC
*hugs* You're a brave woman, Mary. I hope this career change does great things for you ♥


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