Coming Out of Hiding

Mar 19, 2010 22:00

This is my first post.  I've had my Livejournal account for a little over a year, but was too shy to post.  I have finally decided to come out of hiding.  The TV show Supernatural is what led me here.  It's the only show i watch regularly.  I love my Winchester men.

Even though I have watched every episode of Supernatural since the pilot, I didn't realize until last year what a presence it had on the internet.  That changed one fateful day, a little over a year ago, when I was reading on a Supernatural message board, and someone posted a link to a story.  I clicked and discovered a whole new world.  One I really liked.

I learned about Wincest--a term which made me laugh and marvel at what a clever term it was.  While I'm not bothered by the incest angle to some stories (maybe because I'm an only child?), I find I prefer J2.  They get to be a bit less serious since they're not constantly fighting against evil.  But I still love a good Sam/Dean story too.

I've read some great fics (which is what prompted me to sign up in the first place) over the last 12 1/2 months, but I was too shy to leave feedback.  I was worried that I'd accidentally say or do the wrong thing, not being familiar with Livejournal protocol.  But, I figure, I'll never learn if I stay hidden in the shadows.  I want to give back to the authors who have given to me.  Even if it's just a measly comment.

I also discovered the Supernatural Conventions while traipsing around fandom.  I will be attending my first convention in October 2010 in Chicago.  I'm going by myself, so it's a little scary.  Hopefully, I'll make a friend or two.  I wish they would list a tentative schedule, so I have some idea of what to expect.  For example, what time do the days generally start, etc.? Hopefully, someone will fill me in soon.

Just one last thing before I end my first post.  While I adore Jared, and believe he has every right to get married, did he have to do it on my birthday? Really? Ouch.  LOL!

supernatural, chicon, conventions, wincest, j2, jared

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