Title: ACIS: Central City
Genre: Divergence, Mystery, Family
Summary: Mangaverse, divergence. Central City 1910 - 1916. Political upheaval has restructured the proud nation of Amestris to a blooming democracy, where the art of alchemy is no longer glorified, but monitored for the distrust it has sown. In this obstructive climate, Roy Mustang’s
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Comments 3
And of course Kimblee appreciates his work. XD
Kimblee got his job because he's such a smooth talker and would get any job done. And then there was the fact that being forced to cooperate - or at least not work against Kimblee would frustrate the hell out of Team Mustang. :)
I really like Kimblee, so I was glad to see him get out of prison (so he could drive Team Mustang crazy). XD
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