Title: Spoils of War
Fandom/Genre: SPN, case!fic
Pairing(s): Gen
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 4335
Warnings: Language
Summary: A town full of people losing memories and a ritual gone wrong. All in a day’s work for the Winchesters. Though maybe this time they’ve bitten off more than they can chew.
AN: Set in Season 5, after Hammer of the Gods, but
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Comments 6
Thank you so much for your effort, especially for pinch-hitting.
I'm mostly just relieved you like it. ^^; At first I was going to write something way more Gabe+Dean focussed (because I find their dynamic interesting), but Sam kept butting in. In the end I just rolled with it.
Gabriel was one of my fav characters on the show and I hated the way he died. Sure, don't have him beat the devil, but this was just pointless. What I really didn't buy was the ''you learned all your tricks from me' reason. Mayby, Lucy, but I've just spent two milennia in time-out, time Gabriel has used to excel at tricking people. You'd think - logically - that the guy would have gained an edge. I get writing a guest actor out of the show, but was an ending in which the guy 'lives' too much to ask?
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