Well, it's an 8 of 12 this time - which is pretty good considering we didn't think we'd make it in at all. These were all taken at home..... __________________________________
Nice decorations! Hope you've had a lovely holidays!
Helen (Dogeared) Sorry I'm so late - between a weekend away, a cold, wrapping up work before the holidays, then Christmas and after... it's taken a while! Happy holidays and new year :D
Comments 3
Aww the kittehs look cute as ever, and the new car is nice too, glad it arrived AOK.
Happy Holidays!
~Sheryl (12 of 12'er)
Helen (Dogeared)
Sorry I'm so late - between a weekend away, a cold, wrapping up work before the holidays, then Christmas and after... it's taken a while! Happy holidays and new year :D
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