Title: As The Sands of the Hourglass...
Author: Dreamer's Way
Rated: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters.
Summary: Trailbreaker gets a little information of what the Cons' do their their spare time, and it distrubes him
It was just a normal enough battle with the Decepticons. A normal power raid for what Trailbreaker had seen as the Autobots came on to the scene. As soon as they had appeared, the Decepticons took to blasting right at them and fighting broke out into smaller fights. Of course, Optimus took on Megatron while the likes of the twins had to go after the seekers with their jet judo. Himself? Well, Trailbreaker found himself some distance facing the Decepticon pessimist, Dead End.
Laser bounded off of his force field as Trailbreaker dove for cover behind some rocks. Readying his weapon, he fired and hitting right in the middle of the Stunticon’s chest. Not even shouting out in pain, Dead End reached up and touched the wound there, energon coming out and spilling on to his hands.
“Another step closer to my eventful demised,” Dead End commented, letting his blaster hanging by his side in hand.
“Why don’t you just give up already!” shouted Trailbreaker, taking a few steps closer.
“Again? Why don’t just kill me instead of capturing me?” asked Dead End, “It would help in ending the cycle of pain we are all stuck in. The only way to solve it is just to give up and rust away into nothingness.”
“That’s...that’s just depressing,” said Trailbreaker, wondering why he had to deal with this Con.
“It is the whole point to this conflict really,” said Dead End, shaking his head, “Fighting a pointless war until the end we are all destroy, deactivated.”
Seeing they wouldn’t be fighting any time soon, Trailbreaker lowered his guard as he started towards the Decepticon. If there is one thing the Bots could count on, it is when Dead End was like this, he didn’t really have the will to fight anyone or anything.
“Primus, you give up too easily,” sighed Trailbreaker as he shook his head.
“And you don’t?”
“I never do! No Autobot gives up. We keep in believing and have faith in the cause. That is why we are going to win the war.”
Dead End snorted a bit, “Not talking about the pointless war. I have to comment you about giving up on that tracker you like.”
That was enough to make Trailbreaker’s mouth drop open in shock. No way! It had to be pure luck. No one knew about how he really felt for Hound. Not even the green mech knew about his feelings towards him. Hound was his slagging best friend and beside, he was seeing Mirage after all. He wasn’t going to stand in the middle of his friend’s chance to happiness. Even if it wasn’t with him.
“W-W-What are you talking about?” gasped out Trailbreaker, regaining himself.
“Please, all the Decepticons know about your little crush out the scout and how you just let the spy walk up and take him. If you had been a Decepticon, you would have at least fought for him. But no, you gave up. Sure the likes of Mixmaster and Dirge are pretty much saying that you will get him in the end, but I rather seeing the truth. The whole thing is pointless as we are all going to meet the Ender anyway,” sighed out Dead End, with a shrug of his shoulders.
“What! How!?” gasped out Trailbreaker in shock.
“Oh...maybe should have mention your Autobots’ lives are like a soap opera on the Nemesis,” said Dead End, “Laserbeak and Buzzsaw always bring back some interesting material on your personal matters more so than battle secrets.”
He wasn’t hearing this! This was all some kind of a dream! Trailbreaker couldn’t believe that the Cons actually watched the events at the Arc like it was some kind of reality television show. It was really disturbing that they all knew about their personal matters and feelings like this.
He made a memo to himself to talk to Red Alert about better ways to stop the cassettes from getting into the base.
"Optimus, are you paying attention?"