This meme is an experimental one designed to create more CR and allow people to branch out. It has been Otter-approved, but I will be doing it personally as the game as a whole is going to be busy with the upcoming plot.
That said, please take a look!
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CONTACT: aim: Lunixhime; email:; plurk: queeningsquare
CHARACTERS: isolatedpiece, todayitwasyou, undeadstalking
CHARACTER LANGUAGES: Ange: Japanese, English
Kotomi: Japanese, English, German, French, QUITE POSSIBLY SOME OTHER RANDOM WEIRD ONES TOO she's a genius.
Megumi: Japanese, heavily accented English
WHO DO YOU PLAY WITH A LOT?: Ange: ALL THE SEAKITTIES (Battler, Sakutaro, Beatrice, Dlanor, Will, Bernkastel), Rika, occasionally Marco, Eald and Satoko
Kotomi: Nagisa, Chihiro, Tatsumi, Hungary, Yuuko, Robin
Megumi: Natsuno (one-sided icly yup), Tohru, Tatsumi, Perona, Shiki, Eridan, Sai/Xi
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