arrrrg! For starters, the "police code" for smoking marijuana is not 420. 420 is not poliice code for anything. As for the origins of 420, it's not because april 20th happens to be hitler's birthday, or how many chemicals are in weed. The "straight dope" (heh, that phrase didn't need to be there, it was just funnier that way) as far as anyone can tell, is that it was started by high school students in the 70's. A group of kids attending San Rafael High School heard about a secret pot patch in the woods near where they lived. They dubbed themselves the "Waldos" and began a daily ritual of getting high and searching for it. The only problem was were and when to meet. They met in front of a statue at the school, and seeing as how the last class was until 4:10, and everyone needed time to get there, they decieded on 4:20. Soon saying 420 was code for getting together to find the pot and get high. They discovered they could use it in front of teachers and parents, so it soon became slang for smoking pot in general. It has been passed down
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And congrats on passing. I found the test was pretty easy, but the actual driving part? Nooo. I think Mom wanted me to practice in the empty church parking lot because, supposedly, if I ran anyone over they'd be more forgiving.
Comments 4
And congrats on passing. I found the test was pretty easy, but the actual driving part? Nooo. I think Mom wanted me to practice in the empty church parking lot because, supposedly, if I ran anyone over they'd be more forgiving.
p.s. i'm adding you
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