I love painting, it's very fun. I finished my fish, and that's where it lives. Having one art class everyday is amazing. I still have no idea what i want to do when i grow up, i would like to be stable though. A hungary artist maybe
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there are posters up in the hallway for the school rings and it says'1 ring' really big on them. so one the one near the art wing i wrote 'to rule them all'.
Eventually i will get them all, but if you can get them please do so. its important to get in your yearly vandalism. This goes for everyone.
"fuck beauty pageants. life's a beauty pageant, highschool, college, then work, fuck it all. fuck the air force, ill fly if i want to. just do what you really want to do and fuck the rest." -little miss sunshine
i just went to see this movie. i loved it. you should see it yes you.
soo... there was this book just sitting omn the couch, it was called Twenty Questions. i open to the middle of the book and the first line i see is "when you hear an elderly couple and a baby....". i thought that was...interesting.