Sep 13, 2010 01:24
I've missed hanging out with my crazy creative friends.
Sep 12, 2010 13:36
Dishes are all done, except for what I'm currently using and the really big rice pot. That should make Landlady Hope happy.
Sep 11, 2010 20:01
But I'm not sure. I know I feel flushed, but that could be the beer.
The demo at Fort Knox went well, everyone liked my dress, and except for the fact that half my friends didn't make it, I had a great day.
But now, sleeps.
Sep 08, 2010 19:45
Which is always very nice. Sadly, however, it didn't look like dad had left me money for the cell bill, which would have been very nice as well. C'est la vie, I suppose.
Sep 07, 2010 15:56
It's a little windy and cold and so it's a lot cooler inside than out. Earl Grey tea, here I come.
Sep 06, 2010 18:33
I keep expecting to be able to call people and to get things like mail and such, but everybody's closed and the mail didn't come today because it's a holiday. Joy.
Sep 05, 2010 00:55
To my John! Um. So, I haven't mentioned it, but I've been writing you something for, um, about a year now. And it's still not finished. But I hope it will be soon! I just wanted to let you know it existed. <3
Have a fabulous day, baby.
Sep 04, 2010 23:39
And they had character boxers and sleep pants for men, for seven dollars. So now I have a pair of Batman boxers. I'll probably wear them for sleeping in, but still, it amused me to buy them.
I really hope they fit over my sizable ass, though.
Sep 03, 2010 22:37
The guy who gave me a commission for a kumihimo and the wrong phone number showed back up, paid for his kumihimo, and commissioned two more. I'm pretty sure he was high or drunk or both, but hey, whatever. If he doesn't come back for them or the number he gave me is still wrong, I'm sure I can sell whatever I make.
Sep 02, 2010 23:29
Simply because I didn't remember a piece of paper the first time. Argh.