Hell of a tutorial

Sep 16, 2005 18:23

I have decided to make a fat giant tutorial on how to use imaging programs, mostly psp because thats what i use. But as far as i know, its completely transferable.

First step is choosing your cap. Make sure its interesting, and good quality. As far as interesting goes, try to stay away from couples kissing. Those can get boring after a while-try to take one right before or after the kiss, it usually holds more emotion and just makes the icon more interesting.
Ironicaly, the cap I chose is not perfect quality, it’s a bit blurry. But I like it-and I can make it work. Its from one of my favorite literati moment in “Let the Games Begin”.

So then comes the cropping.

This CAN be interesting, but since you can’t see the faces…well, just don’t use it to often, But if you want to draw the attention to their position of their arms, then it’s a good crop,

You must’ve heard before how awful this is. Never put them in the middle.

This one usualy doesnt work because it makes the picture fuzzy and unfocused and jut..well your picture has to be high quality and focused on the face already.

I like this one the best, because you can see the intimacy in their body language and the tentiveness in their faces at the same time. This is the crop I’m going to use for this icon.
*crop note:I used different cropping sizes, then resized it to 100x100.
For the rest of the tutorial, im going to make it 200x200-I enjoy working with a bigger canvas.
I tend to like to soften the skin out-but not to intensely. Just use the smooth tool and go over their faces.
DON’T sharpen eyes,lips or hair extra. It just looks incredibly strange, especially after the icon is lightened.
Speaking of, duplicate the layer twice and set both to screen, 100%
Duplicate the base layer again and drag it to top. Desaturate (adjust->hue/saturation and bring the saturation down to -100)
Heres the base:

Well now, theres several different paths we can go down. Take your pic. haaha, get it, PIC?! hahaa..okay.
And if you have any questions-feel free to ask

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