Haha, I just deleted that part to make the post smaller. *points and laughs at Kay* Now you look sillllyyy!!
Just kidding, lol. And don't worry, you're practically a permanent part of my Friends List. There's like a...oh, I dunno, a 98% chance that you'll never be taken off ;)
*points back and laughs at you because you have...uhh...two fish on your head* Yep. :P LOL
Umm, well I think I should reserve the right to leave that 2% open in case you, at any point in our friendship, say something to completely tick me off. I'm not anticipating it, but you never do know. After all, you could become too cool for me or something when you're a big Hollywood star and bully me around. Then I'd have to take you off. ;)
*pries hands from neck (yes, that hurts)* YESSSSSSS!! lol, I couldn't possibly take you off. Your posts never fail to make my day... they're hilarious. I'm currently giggling at your plans for the newest Harry Potter. Surprisingly, I wouldn't mind if it turned out that way.
Sure thing :) Sorry I didn't add you sooner. I saw that you had added me, but I didn't know who you were and wanted to play it safe. Thanks for commenting!
Actually, I kept you as a friend 'cause I was afraid you'd beat me up (or poke me to death, as you're doing now) if I took you off. I really hate your guts, but I know how rough you are and didn't want to provoke you.
Comments 84
Just kidding, lol. And don't worry, you're practically a permanent part of my Friends List. There's like a...oh, I dunno, a 98% chance that you'll never be taken off ;)
And that 98% chance, whats the other 2% incase of??;)
Umm, well I think I should reserve the right to leave that 2% open in case you, at any point in our friendship, say something to completely tick me off. I'm not anticipating it, but you never do know. After all, you could become too cool for me or something when you're a big Hollywood star and bully me around. Then I'd have to take you off. ;)
*pokes* Tee-hee :P
(Everyone, just so you know, she beat me up in our AIM conversation just now. I have proof:
Fuzzay02: *beats up*)
And I cannot wait for that letter, what with the way you're talking about it. It must be insane, lol.
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