My heart is yours to fill or burst, to break or bury, or wear as jewelry, whichever you prefer...

Sep 11, 2006 18:02


So. Last weekend.


Let's re-cap, shall we?

Okay, so, Friday night. The football game vs. Lawton-Bronson. It was raining, but so far the game was still on, so Suzi came and picked me up. Dylan was in the front seat, and then I got to the game and walked around with my friends for a little while. Then my phone starts to vibrate and it's Brianna. "OMG NICK IS HERE!!!" So I say I'll be right there (she's by the band kids) and then I take a few steps back and scream and jump up and down because I'm a girl. xD I run over to the band people (the majority of my friends are in band anyway) and Suzi says she knows where he is. So she sees him, I don't, but we start walking and she's like "See this?! It's ALL MINE!" And proceeds to grind my leg. xD Then I saw him, and OH I thought I was gonna pass out. I went over to him and just hugged him forever. I figured I was gonna cry, but I didn't. Not once. I was...too happy.

So after a little while we (alec, nick, me, suzi, elizabeth, nicole) walked over to Alec's house since he lives like 20 feet from the school and they got some Pepsi and Captain Morgan (i didnt have any) and then they went over to the dance that was after the football game, which got canceled due to lightning in the distance. I wasn't allowed to go to the dance since I'm not highschool yet, but I called my mom and asked if I could "hang out around the school" for a little while. She said that was fine, and she would pick me up at the back door at 9:30. So they all went to the dance, but Alec's parents weren't going to be home for a while, so Nick and I stayed there. He said, "Come with me," and we walked a little ways until he said "My grandma gave me this when I was little and I want you to have it..." and it's a little necklace thing that goes on a chain (i need to find one that will work D:) with a heart that spins and one side is red and one side is pink and it says "I ♥ NICK" on it. :] I don't have achain that will work for it so I just carry it in my pocket. :P

So we were standing there, and he just looked at me...and kissed me. And AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :DDDD

Lip. Ring.


Girls. At some point in your lifetime, get a boyfriend with a lip ring. Seriously. DO IT. xD

Okay, so I'm just smiling and I hug him but on the inside I'm like "HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS IS A DREAM!" But no. It's not a dream. It's the REAL DEAL, yo. Fer sher. So we walked back to his porch, since we couldn't go inside, and sat on the uncomfortable wooden bench. I don't even know what we talked about...but time just flew, and I was gonna have to go, when my mom called and said I could stay later! Praise the Lord for He is good, His mercy endures forever. AMEN. And we kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed. More than onnnnnnnnnce. I feel like a little girl. I can't get over this.

"And she, like, made this shirt, that says Mrs. Aaron Samuels, and she wears it under all of her clothes."

Ahhaha. I remind myself of that. Not that I made a shirt. xD

OKAY, so, Friday was amazinggggg. Saturday night, the game was actually on, but I saw Nick again. We were over by these trees when an old guy walked by. He didn't see us, I don't think I've ever been a combination of that scared and amused in my life. As soon as he left I just started laughing because it was so stupid but scary. We were at Alec's house for about 8 minutes but then went back to the game...I had to keep my distance between Nick incase Carly was around, because she would tell my mom. So we sat in the little golf-cart thing that was behind the Wildcat Shop where they sell t-shirts and stuff. Then Suzi came over and we talked to her about Dylan forever since she likes him and doesn't know what to do. I found out Carly left, and I had to go home since Madison was staying at my house, so I kissed Nick goodbye and left. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhgh it's so hard to say goodbye to him. I hate doing it. But I have to.

So on Sunday, after Madison went home, I had to clean a little bit and stuff, then Elizabeth called me. She was at Alec's, along with Nick, Nicole, and this girl named Brittany. Brittany is Tabitha's older sister, and I love Tabitha, so I really liked her. Anyway, my mom dropped me off (if i ever get caught with this i will be grounded...for eternity) and I went downstairs. They made me watch fucking High Tension. Ahhhhhhhh I hate scary movies so much. But I already knew how it ended, because I made the people at the movie store tell me. xD

So I sat with Nick on the couch, and I just...sigh. I love how he holds me, and he's SO FUCKING CUTE. And he's a really...soft kisser. But in a good way. He's good at it. Buh-lieve me.

So we were on the couch, and the rest of the movie ended, and they decided to turn the lights off. Haha...okay, sure, go right on ahead. So...we did what most kids do in the dark, and we were on a couch so there's not exactly a whole lot of room, so he was kind of on top of me when they decide to flick the lights back on again. YEAH, not embarrassing. Nope. Not at all. If I didn't love I could've hit him...I knew they were gonna do that. I hate kissing and stuff in front of other people. But it's Nick, and any place is a good place for him. :]

I had to leave in a couple of hours, but, oy. I was in like the best freaking mood today at school. I was singing at the top of my lungs in the hallway. I didn't know I could sing that loud. But I guess I can. "L IS FOR THE WAY YOU LOOK AT MEEEEEE, O IS FOR THE ONLY ONE I SEEEEEE!" etc. xD Yeah I'm gay. I slept in my mom's room last night, though, because the movie freaked me out.

So, all in all, I lovelovelove Nick. He's...everything. It's going to be a long time before I get to see him again though. But if I try hard enough...I can still kind of taste him. :P


nicholas morgan beaver, l-o-v-e!

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