No, I was not one of the lucky 150 to actually get a signature. I haven't even bought the album yet. But I did go to see them anyway. :D So, I just got home, and I want to write all about it before I forget anything. ^^
rennie_88 there around 6:30ish, though she'd been there since probably about 5:30 or a little before. We had pretty decent seats then, and we sat there for a couple hours just talking and such. Then around 7:30, they made everyone get up and clear the seating area so only the 150 could sit down there. We ended up standing right behind that, though, so it still wasn't too bad. The boys finally came out just a couple minutes before 9, I think, and then the pushing REALLY started. It was quite intense. Luckily, I am a big girl and can stand my ground quite easily. XD
Got some vid of them first coming out and giving their greetings. It's pretty shaky from all the pushing going on, and the girl in front of me kept putting her hands up right in front of my camera. But it is a document of my experience, so I'm gonna post it anyway. XD (Keep in mind that I have a veeeeeeery old, 7.1 megapixel camera. Thus, this vid makes me look a LOT further away than I actually was. JSYK...)
Click to view
So, now that that's all out of the way, onto my random observations about the boys:
#1: They both looked really~~~~~~~ good. I've been kind of off-and-on with them lately, especially with Min's new hair, but tonight was good. I think they changed the color so it wasn't quite as orange-y blonde as it was when they first dyed it, so it was a nice light-ish brown instead. Quite nice.
#2: Min is a very soft-spoken person. Not shy, though he is that, too, I'm sure. But even just speaking normally when it sounds like he has full confidence and everything, his voice is just naturally on the quiet side.
#3: Yunho talks a LOT~~!! There were sooooo many times where he'd be chatting away with a fan holding the cd hostage, and their manager or whoever that was would be waving his arm, trying to get it over to Min and keep the line moving. I don't think Yunho noticed a single time. Either he's quite oblivious when he's talking (or, in nicer terms, very focused on the conversation he's having ^^) or he just purposely ignores all the manager-hand-waving. And Min just sits there between them, perfectly content to sit back and relax for a minute. XD
#4: Minnie was in quite a good mood tonight, it seemed. He was smiling and laughing a lot. So cute~~~! *squishes* And he's totally a people-watcher. Any time there wasn't a fan right in front of him, he immediately turned his eyes to the crowd to just look around at everyone. Yunho, on the other, never really did that much at all. An occasional wave or something, but not much more than that. He was too buys talking, of course, so it's not like he had a whole lot of time for it anyway. XD I think it may stem from Min's more introverted nature. While he was, as I noted, in a good mood and did spend a little bit talking to each person, he's definitely not the chatterbox Yunho obviously is, and he seemed happy to be able to take the time in between to observe everything.
Aaaaand... I think that's all. While I was horrifically uncomfortable and cramped and getting shoved around almost the whole time, I'm still VERY happy I went. Honestly, it still seems a bit surreal that I'm even in the position where I CAN just go see them like that. Hopefully I never end up taking that fact for granted... Anyway, planning on going to their perf on Sunday for the Gangnam Festival, too, so maybe I'll have another post for you then. ^_^