Title: Morning After
Author: Dreaming K
Words: 136
Category: Slash, J/B
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own The Sentinel or any places and characters of the show. Just dreaming :)
Just something short and cozy. I feel homesick right now and needed a little something to cheer me up.
Not betaed or anything. Let me know if you spot a mistake.
"We should clean up," Jim said from his position on the couch, eying the dishes and wine glasses on the coffee table. Left overs from a romantic dinner followed by cuddling and a night spent on the couch.
"Mhhh," Blair rumbled, stretching before settling back down on top of his lover. "It's your turn."
"How do you figure that?" One of Jim's hands wound its way under Blair's hair to caress the silky nape while the other rested on his hip.
"I cooked," came the smug reply.
"And I bought the groceries."
"Did the laundry."
"Cleaned the loft."
"Love you." Blair smiled against his chest and Jim conceded.
"Sure." He pressed a soft kiss to his lover's nose, which nuzzled his neck in return.
Eyes drifting closed dozily and utterly content, neither Jim nor Blair moved.