Ugh. I am so sick of searching for a job. I've decided employment is overrated, so I'm going to start my own tutoring business, since there is an elementary school conveniently located a few blocks away. I'll be good at it, I'll enjoy it, and it'll be a nearly instant source of income. *nods
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Comments 1
This is Heist (of calling. I must say, it was rather difficult to track you down. I would just like to say thank you for your reviews of Fairest. I woke up this morning to no fewer than seven reviews, and it totally made my day. Thank you!
On another note, I also am participating in NaNoWriMo, and I wish you luck. On the site, I will be working under the name l.c. Winfield. Should you need anyone to cheer you on, or to bounce ideas off of, don't hesitate to ask. I wish you happy writing in November, and I hope you decide to read my novel as I post it. As an added impetus to keep myself writing, I plan to post it on Fanfiction and Fictionpress under the username Heist in both places. I suspect you may like it, as it is in the same fairytale flavor as Fairest.
Again, good luck with NaNo, and have a lovely month.
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