I was reading through the old
hoodie_time comment-fic memes, and I found an amazing fic by
jennytork I ended up reading the entire Gemini 'verse in one go and then came up with these. They aren't even close to matching the awesomeness of the fic, but hopefully their not too bad.
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Comments 6
Other than the Elemental Who and a couple of M7 ones, yours is the FIRST artwork!!
Thank you SO MUCH!!
That one gets more the 'feel' of them merged!
I am actually working on a concept art for Gemini. In most of the story "Burkittsville" -- finished but not posted yet -- they spend the story AS Gemini, though they only use their powers a little bit.
They use Gemini as a disguise to get back into town after they're thrown out. He calls himself "Frank Michaels". Sam's middle name is Francis -- "Frank" -- and Dean's is Michael.
Seriously? That sounds awesome! I can't wait to read it!
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