All is well in the world of Louise. I am pretty happy apart from a little bit of confusion over what to do next year but that is to be expected!
Here's some pictures from the past wee while.
one of me.
6th Lisa's
Me and Marie.
Gilly grooming Crawford or something.
7th Mutley at Rockers
Gordon and Crawford.
Gilly and Crawford
Gary looking rather emo
me hiding.
8th Edinburgh
Me and Gilly.
10th Beanscene
Stuart in a little girl's S Club 7 t-shirt.
14th Gary's / Mutley + UKDC gig at Barfly
Gary on the phone.
Gary playing guitar.
Gary and his curtains.
Gary's star tattoo
Steamers outside barfly. Gilly, Ashley and Marie
15th boredom
Hand made so I heart him most, mofos :p.
Hardcore bunny of doom.