The Friday Five This week's set were suggested by
river2sea72. Friday Five for 04.14.06 -- A photograph's worth 1,000 words.
1. What is your favorite photo?
Currently, it's this photo. but I have a ton of photos that I adore. This one is my desktop right now.
2. Who took the photo?
I did. I took it on Saturday March 25th 2006, sometime in the afternoon.
3. If you could photograph anything or anyone what/who would it be?
I'd want to capture the essence of someone in love. There's a look about the person. It starts in the eyes and radiates throughout the face and ultimately shows in every inch right to the fingertips. But it can't be faked. You just know it when you see it. Now *that* would be a photo.
4. What makes a good photo?
Emotions. How the photographer feels. How the subject feels. What the subject conveys. Yes, inanimate objects can convey emotion if looked at properly.
5. Which do you prefer: digital or print?
I'm fond of either. I like having digital because I can show more people. But I love having the print because it feels more original. Being able to truly touch the photo somehow makes it more real.