So, I'm sitting here with about 5 hours of sleep and about to change so I can go out and play some more 4-Square. But I decided to do my
Friday Five.
This week's questions were taken from several sets suggested by
1) How do you feel about people who commit suicide? Such as, do you feel that they are too lazy to deal with life, have depression, do you feel sorry for them, etc.?
My opinion on this has changed over the years. As being someone who once wanted to die, I can't really feel anything. I think it's an easy out. There's nothing worth dying over. I just think people that are truly suicidal just need help. I can't even begin trying to explain why I used to cut, so I just pretend I know exactly why I wanted to die.
2) What do you think people say about you behind your back?
Probably depends on the person. If it's one of the people who I feel has wronged me and they don't think they did, then I'm sure they call me unfair. If it's someone I was friends with but aren't anymore, it probably depends on why we aren't friends. I'm sure a few of them would say I was an emotionally unstable wreck. Which I find amusing because in the case of certain people, I was back then. Now they're gone, I'm very much not. I'm sure people say a lot of things behind my back, both good and bad. They have their reasons, I'm sure. But whatever it is, I don't really spend too much time worrying about it.
3) If you could own and operate any major business, what would it be?
A charity dinner theatre. Don't ask me why. I'd want to cook for hundreds of people while they watch fabulous shows and all the profits go to charity. I am such a goody-goody, huh?
4) Are you/would you be embarrassed to talk to your friends or family about sex?
HAHAHAHA I think every other word out of my mouth is about sex. I might be a little tight lipped around my family, but only because they aren't as freaky as I am when it comes to things. My mum isn't dying to hear about rope burns and multiple orgasms.
5) In some cultures, young women are married and begin families as soon as they start a menstrual cycle. Do you believe this is right or wrong? Why?
Marriage should be based on love. If that young woman is truly in love (which I figure she isn't because I don't think anyone really knows love that early) then more power to her. Families that aren't created from love probably won't succeed.